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In the chief's office

Detective Oliver Harper

Chief, I think we need to have a conversation about Alexia.

Chief Raymond Donovan

Yeah, we do...

Please sit.

(Oliver sits in from of him)

Detective Oliver Harper

So... you had a conversation with Alexia earlier...

I don't know what you said to her, but after that she stormed out of the building for 2 hours.

2 hours Raymond! 2 hours!

For all I know she could've been run over by a car!

Who knows?!

And when she did come back, she just ignores everyone, goes to her desk grab her things and goes right out.

Oh yeah before she left, she told me to tell you that she was going home and work there because she will work better there.

Chief Raymond Donovan

Yeah, I supposed she would do that...

Detective Oliver Harper

What the hell did you say to her for her to storm out like that?! Huh?!

Chief Raymond Donovan

She came into my office because she wanted to go undercover. But...

Detective Oliver Harper

(Cuts the chief) WHAT?

She wanted to go undercover?!


Chief Raymond Donovan

Well, you know how she is...

She wants to find Shadow.

That's why she wanted to go undercover, but I told her she couldn't.

Detective Oliver Harper

Thank God!

Chief Raymond Donovan

Oliver that's not all...

Detective Oliver Harper

What is it?

Chief Raymond Donovan

She can't go undercover because we already have someone undercover...

Oliver... she stormed out because I told her that her sister is the one undercover...

Detective Oliver Harper

What, why did you approve that?!

Chief Raymond Donovan

That's the thing, I didn't...

Maria went to my bosses; I didn't have a say in that demand.

She knew I wouldn't approve, so she went to people higher than me.

Detective Oliver Harper

Yeah, she is smart.

I hate it but I got to say she is smart for that.

Chief Raymond Donovan

Yes, she is.

(A moment of silence comes between the pair)

Detective Oliver Harper


What do we do about Alexia?

Chief Raymond Donovan

What do you mean what do we do?

We leave her be to digest this news and she will come back to the office before we know it.

Detective Oliver Harper


But what if she's not?

Chief Raymond Donovan

Let's not get ahead of our selves and go day by day for here.

Detective Oliver Harper

Ok yeah.

Chief Raymond Donovan

Great then keep me posted on both Alexia and the case.

Now go back to work.

Detective Oliver Harper

Yeah, don't worry I will!

(With that Oliver gets out of the chef's office and went back to his desk to work on the case)

(But just before he starts to work, he takes his phone to message Alexia)



Hi Alex, I know you don't want to talk about it, but just know I'm here if you need anything.

Love you and see you soon, hopefully :)


(After sending that message, he starts working on the case again)

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