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All the detectives working of the Shadow case was in the conference room.

Alexia looks how it was going before going in.

A few insults could be heard and by the looks of it way too much testosterone in one single room.

After a few minutes the Chef notices Alexia outside the door and goes to open it to make her enter the conference room.

Chef Raymond Donovan

Good to see that your back detective.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Good to be back Chef.

There was a silent between them since their last conversation didn't end well.

The silent was broken, to not make this more award, not to long after by the Chef.

Chef Raymond Donovan

That's great to hear, now please, come in the room and tell us what you have.

Everyone inside the room didn't notice that the Chief was talking to Alexia, and they were all concentrated in their debate.

The Chief leads the way in, and Alexia was following him.

Chef Raymond Donovan

Ok, enough now, everybody shut up! (He says it on a harsh tone so everyone would listen)

Everybody went quiet after the Chief said that.

Chef Raymond Donovan

Can someone present the case to put Alexia up to speed on what we have.

Oliver raises his hand to show that he could to it, but the Chef decide otherwise.

Chef Raymond Donovan

Kane! Present please.

Detective Victor Kane

Right, yes. (He gets up to go to the front)

So, right.

We didn't have much to start with as you may know, but we decide to explore a different path.

We decide to look at all the places where we found a file from them and see if we could find where they would pass in the city, so that we can discover hopefully their identity and make an arrest after.

So far, we weren't lucky, but we are hopeful that we will find something soon.

Here is the map that we did with every known place we found either a file or a well-known criminal waiting to be found. (Proceed to show the map on the screen of the conference room)

Detective Alexia Bennett

That's over 20 places, how do plan on finding them?

Detective Victor Kane

Well, here. (Some lines are added on the map)

As you can see all the sites are out or on the edge of the city, so we found the center of them and here it is. (Pointes the center of all)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Ok, well, what did you find?

Detective Victor Kane

Umm, nothing for now. (Looks down to avoid making an eye contact with Alexia)

Detective Alexia Bennett

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