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Alexia comes into the office the next morning a little bit late due to a certain English woman. When she goes to sit at her office, she looks around and see that everyone was agitated.

Detective Alexia Bennett

What is going on here?!

(She goes to see her partner to ask him what was going on)

Oli, what is going on here?!

It looks like a zoo where the animals are all on the lose...

Detective Oliver Harper

There you are!

I searched everywhere for you!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Oli... calm down and talk to me please...

Detective Oliver Harper

Right, yes, right yes, yes.

Ok, so your sister got pulled out of her mission and came back with information on Shadow...

Detective Alexia Bennett

My sister is back?! (Shocked)

So, she's ok! (Relieved)

Detective Oliver Harper

Yes, she's talking with the chief right now!

People are saying that she actually met Shadow...

Detective Alexia Bennett

Wait here.

(She walks away and goes to the Chief's office. She knocks and enters)

(As soon as she sees her little sister standing in front of her, she starts tearing up)

So, you're really ok?!

Detective Maria Bennett

Aww, don't cry big sis, I'm alright!

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Wipes her tears and stands up straight) Well, don't you dare pull this kind of thing on me again.


Detective Maria Bennett

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Now, c'mon bring it in, I know you missed me! (She opens her arms)

Detective Alexia Bennett

(She hugs her little sister tightly)

Of course, I missed you, because I love you and you're my little sister, so I have to take care of you.

Detective Maria Bennett

I missed you too!

Detective Alexia Bennett

So, is it true what I heard?

That you met Shadow for real!

Detective Maria Bennett

Ah, that's actually what I was telling the Chief.

Detective Maria Bennett


Detective Maria Bennett

When I went undercover, I had no idea were to start since we didn't really know anything.

So, I started to ask around a little and I KNOW you're not suppose to do that, but I had to.

I came across a guy who put me in contact with another guys who goes by the name of Viper.

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