24. MUSIC?

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It's been 2 weeks since the whole rooftop thing and Alexia is losing hope of finding Eleanor...

She does want to arrest her, simply to know she ok and well.

So, as usual when she finishes her workday, she gathered her things, said goodbye to her colleagues and secretly hoped that tomorrow was going to be a better day.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Bye Chief see you tomorrow, have a goodnight!

Chef Raymond Donovan

See you tomorrow!

She made her way out of the building and then to her car. She starts her car, puts some music, and then start driving to her appartement that wasn't that far away.

Once she arrived, she parked her car and entered her appartement building. Her neighbor was stepping out of he appartement and told her something that made her have chills even if she didn't show it...


Oh, hi, Alexia, I think you left you radio on when you left.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Hi, I must have, silly me (Laughs a little to brush it off, because she knows for a fact, she doesn't have a radio in her appartement, and music was definitely playing in there)


Well, make sure to close it next time, you're using power for nothing since you're not there!

Detective Alexia Bennett

I will, thank you and have a great evening!

Alexia slowly makes her way into her appartement, unlocking the door carefully and taking the baseball bat that was in the little corner where her umbrella was. She was slowly following the music which was in the living room...

The shadow of a person can be seen, but since it was dark, she could say who it was or if she knew that person.

The person lifts their right arm which put Alexia in a defensive mode, but the person only grabs the switch for the lamp and turns it on to reveal themselves and that shocked Alexia.

Eleanor Kensington

Well, I was starting to wonder when you were going to arrive...


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