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Joong had really wanted to get to know Dunk but his flamboyant attitude put him off and they were back to square one all over again. That wasn't the worst of his week. His gentle brother who has never been angry at him before in their entire life was staring daggers at him. He had made sudden arrangement for Dunk to move into the clan house.  Apparently he caught wind of Dunk's "accidents". Dunk had been hiding them from everyone but Phuwin found out when his car crashed due to his malfunctioning break. It was the very reason why he was late in picking up Khaotung that day. There was also the whole other issue of someone wanting to take their life when he picked Khaotung up. Pond finally learnt about the extent of the "accidents" that Dunk had. Apparently someone had even planted a bomb in Dunk's car when it was parked in a public parking lot. Khaotung wasn't happy with the way Joong dealt with it. Joong knew that Khaotung had bonded with Dunk but he had never realized to what extent until today.

"Arrange a few bodyguards for him? He may be your future luna only in name but you really should learn to take better care of him. If Dunk is your real future luna, what would you have done? What would you have done after finding out that YOUR OMEGA is being targeted?! " Joong kept quiet. He would have done a lot more. He would find out who was behind it, he would send a warning to those who tried. Dunk would have been in the clan house way before this.  

"He is laying his life on the line here. Don't tell me that it's a given because we paid him, his life is worth more than that!" He truly couldn't deny anything that his brother was throwing at him.

" I'm disappointed in you. We, Aydin alphas were raised better than this." Khaotung walked out of the room and left Joong to his thoughts.

He walked out of his office. His thoughts weren't giving him peace. It was true, Dunk had been a nuisance the moment he met him. 

He got under his skin. 

He annoyed him. 

He despised him. 

His inner alpha asked that he re-evaluate his last statement. He huffed at him. A primitive creature like him asking him to re-evaluate his thought. Dunk just doesn't conform, he doesn't fit in but yet he is here.  As he so called future luna in name. His luna, his mate!  

Look at him. 

Joong didn't know why Dunk was taking a selfie of himself. Until he heard Pond reminding him to send it to Phuwin to report that he had settled in safely. 

Dunk was a walking contradiction

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Dunk was a walking contradiction. No omega bulks up like that. They just can't because of their hormones. His inner alpha didn't see a problem with that. He likes a strong omega. He reminded him of their omega's six packs when they went for swim. He was sending images of it, a close up of it. Joong needed him to shush his thoughts because it wasn't helping his case of hating Dunk. 

"There you are, love. Guess who is your new housemate?" Dunk smirked. Joong sighed.

"Don't worry too much. Pond have me at the far end, closer to him. You won't know I exist." He gave him a sniff kiss before chuckling as he walked away. He didn't know why he didn't like the thought of that either. He reminded himself that Pond had already told him that they were childhood friends and had known each other for as long as they can remember. He knew that Pond is interested in Phuwin but yet he felt unease.  Pond is an alpha after all. An alpha in close vicinity with his omega. Joong was confused by that thought. He chalked it as his inner alpha talking than it being his own. 

That's the main reason he didn't like Dunk. He makes him doubt himself. He is no longer certain about his thoughts and actions, which was so clear before. As a clan alpha, he can't doubt himself. He couldn't afford to. He reminded himself that they probably have a few months left and Dunk will be out of his life. He just needed to tolerate him for a while longer. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: and the push pull begins... I think it has started long ago but it's getting more obvious😅😅I know a lot of you had expectation that this would be it, Joong would finally open up but sorry to disappoint you all😅😅 that would really be moving too fast. Now that I think of it, maybe this series is a slow burn series🤔🤔...but it won't be that long since I estimate the longest would be 25 EP max... 😅😅

To those of you who are wondering, yes, Khaotung is an alpha. That's why Joong asked Khaotung to find a mate so that the elders would get off his back. Can't say more than what is obvious in this EP, no spoilers na. 

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