Anger Management (BH & PI)

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Black Hole and Pie looked at their small collection of fellow contestants, gathered up through aggressive coercion.

Death P.A.C.T. had a *little* bit of a problem regarding their performance in the Battle for Battle for Dream Island: for a team that's focusing entirely on death prevention, the group that's supposed to know every single thing about it and doing everything they can to enforce it, they kinda... sucked. They were doing poorly. Horribly. Terribly.

That small issue had two halves to it; for one, because of some fluke of the universe, a dumb practical joke played by the forces at work on the hapless inhabitants of this unfeeling, uncaring void, they were the ones that cared *immensely* about the value and beauty of life in a world that seemed completely and utterly indifferent towards it. The Battle for Dream Island has been going on for quite a while now, at least according to whatever Pen tells them. Years and years of speaker boxes and algebralians suddenly coming down from the sky and telling them to beat up the competition and show no mercy, all for the sake of winning some island, or some poor replica of an island, or some abstract representation of the competition itself. Death was also treated as if it's just no big deal; anyone and everyone could get recovered in a snap, with all injuries and wounds completely gone, so there weren't any consequences whatsoever to killing someone to death. Well, besides the ire and hatred of your target, anyway.

Which leads right into the other factor that's completely crippled their ability to prevent *any* death whatsoever. In an ideal scenario, despite the violent and lethal nature of the Battle for Dream Island, that didn't *need* to be the show-stopper; they knew it was all just for the sake of the competition, for winning the island, and at the end of the day their feelings didn't change and they didn't all hate each other. But in the real world, they *absolutely* did loathe each other with a passion; the Announcer couldn't have possibly gotten a set of several dozen that were more factional and willing to hold grudges, even if he *really* tried. The contestants hated each other for completely valid reasons, for *somewhat* valid reasons, for flimsy reasons, and for reasons that are so utterly nonsensical that it'd take someone deranged (or someone that's been there long enough) to make sense of it. They'd been molded to become extremely aggressive through years of constant competing, had no sense of self-preservation and cooperation, and they all sought to find *any* excuse to take out their frustrations on anybody that just so happened to look at them the wrong way.

So the Death P.A.C.T.ers, thinking that they were at least *somewhat* clever, came up with a little plan to make their job easier. They'd round up the most problematic and stubborn fellows (with the help of a little threatening of being sucked up into a great celestial object) and *guide* them towards their way of thinking; they'd talk heavily of what makes life so beautiful, why it should be valued and defended at all costs, and the many ways they could go about doing so in their own ways. They'd get into the heart of what makes them tick, what makes them so keen towards violence, and try to resolve that. They knew from the start that it was gonna be *extremely* difficult, being likely to end in complete failure, but they also knew *someone* had to do it. They wanted hypothetical future seasons to know that there was at least *some* effort to make things better, even if it goes awry.

Pie looked at Black Hole. "Alright. I think it's time." She remarked; the cosmic void stared at the sun, as his lack of eyes meant that he could do that just fine. "Yeah, I think so too." He'd then focus his attention on their unruly... students. "Attention, everyone." His inappropriately calm tone just didn't get *anywhere* whatsoever; you leave the contestants alone for even a few minutes, and they'd already be back to their petty squabbles. The one that destroyed all things then proceeded to suddenly jolt forward, giving everyone a good scare and causing all eyes to turn to him. "Attention." Awkward silence followed. "Thank you."

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