Bother (FA & RU)

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Fanny sat around on her own, as she usually did.

She really, *really* did not need any more reasons to loathe her current predicament any more than she already did, but the cruel, indifferent, uncaring universe seemed all too keen to unload yet another pile of... suck. Here she was, forced to participate in a competition that's bound to claim her life, stuck on the sinking ship that was her team, with not a single chance whatsoever for escape, for rest.

Spectacular. Wonderful. *Great*.

The electric fan reckoned that she'd already suffered through enough. Being born without any arms, having deadly spinning blades that *really* should have something covering them, having a temper that meant that anyone and everyone was quick to stay away from her, being thrown into a metal box for the crime of wanting to join the Battle for Dream Island, being forced to stay there even though you have no intentions on doing *anything*, once again being kept there as another season rolled around and her fate was decided by faceless voters, finally being let out in a world completely foreign to her, being forced to stick with *them* as going out into the wilderness at this rate was basically suicide, and so on, and so forth. And now *this*.

What's there even to say about iance? It's a team forced together literally because a single person wanted it *really* badly. A group where barely anyone got together, was prone to turn on each other instead of focusing on the tasks at hand, and lost the *very* first contest they participated in. Just a single episode in, and it was made very clear that the one that circulated air was in for a *definitely* not fun time.

First off, there was the one that roped her into all this nonsense in the first place. The *very* first thing Snowball said upon letting her into the fold was that her limb situation was a total letdown. *Seriously*? Does that lump of snow think she *wanted* to have no arms? Every single day she loathed that fact; she was unable to push away anything and everything that rubbed her the wrong way, and kicking just wasn't as effective. Others were quick to see her as helpless and incapable, and given all her other issues, that just made a bad situation even worse. There's no need to remind her of that whole thing, especially considering that you're trying to get her on your side. That's just... *Ugh*. Was this guy dumb, or something? She wouldn't even be surprised if word went around stating that he didn't even know his name. That'd just be par for the course.

Then, there was Pencil and her clique. When all of them suddenly got lumped together, they made their voices heard: they *really* didn't like this arrangement. The fan very much knew that she was treading on *allegedly* sacred ground; Pencil and Match have been a thing since the first season, have talked awful things about every other person they've come into contact with, and aren't all too friendly towards anyone outside of their precious little inner circle.

And *Lightning* is in that inner circle? Really? Those two being able to have him zap anyone they wanted was like Grassy being given a gun; they are absolutely, in no way, *definitely* not capable of handling that sort of power. She herself got a taste of that action when she did the *unthinkable* crime of opposing the *genius* strategy of that alliance. And she had her gripes about their other lackeys too; the only one that had common sense couldn't withstand the wind blowing at her the wrong way, and there's also that airheaded rock that's unable to see *everything* that's wrong with all this.

Finally, there's Flower. Basically everyone had heard of the legend by this point; whereas the one with the anger issues hated everyone, that plant part was the one that everyone hated. Completely full of herself, she regarded herself as the height of perfection and beauty, and angrily dispatched of anyone that even *thought* that she was ever so slightly off from that. Even inside the confines of the Locker of Losers, tales were being told of that one insufferable one that rightly got the first boot. The air circulation device hadn't gotten a taste of that yet, but if someone's bad enough to have *those* rumors going around about her, then she probably still is pretty terrible. And now, she's on her team. *Amazing*.

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