Drought (BK & FL)

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Flower's store was completely empty and dead, just like in most other days.

Nature has the ability to survive even the toughest, hardest, *strangest* adversities; the whole world could get turned upside-down, society could collapse, everything destroyed with absolutely no chance at recovery or relief, but eventually nature would arrive to reclaim and liberate it all. Golf Ball and her *good* friend had done extensive research into the ruins of Yoyle City, detailing all sorts of boring nerd information about the world as it was before it all became about Battling for Dream Island. One of their silly little competitions caused vast swathes of land to be filled with deadly lava. The sun grew larger, the sun grew colder, the planet was spun around 2,763 times (give or take) faster than it usually did, and yet the Earth ended up not looking much worse for wear. It was scarred for sure, but it wasn't anything that could potentially render it incapable of supporting life.

Not yet, anyway.

Flower, being a product of nature herself, thus feeling as if she was connected to it somehow (despite her very existence being a grave crime against it), felt that she shared those same properties; after all, she won the BFDI, did she not? And so, despite how sales were *clearly* not rising in any way, despite the lack of population surrounding her store, despite everyone and everything indicating that this just *wasn't* a valuable waste of her time, that she really ought to just spend her time doing *literally* anything else, she persisted. A real flower isn't given a say on where it is planted, after all; it is at the mercy of the breeze. if she was gonna end up dying of sheer boredom while looking over her store, making sure nobody tries anything funny, then so be it.

There were moments where she wished that wasn't the case, though.

A second passed, then another, then several more, then a minute, then two. Flower blankly stared at her singular clock on the wall, a permanent, constant, infuriating reminder of just how much time had passed since she began her shift and stood there. All that precious time, oh-so-valuable seconds off her lifespan, forever lost to history, spent doing absolutely *nothing*. Flower glanced at her vast collection of clothing items, all lined up and hung up to display their beautiful handiwork and artistry in full, then looked back at the clock. Then at the stock again. Then back once more to the clock. Back. And forth. Her eyes moved in sync with the ticking. Her heart (or something like it) would beat faster, anxious and nervous despite the total lack of *anything* happening; the most surprising things happen in the middle of nothing, after all. One more second. Two. Three. Four...

The sound of the door opening came so infrequently that Flower thought she was hallucinating. "Oh!" She'd snap back into action the moment she realized the truth. "A new customer! Welcome to my-" Her enthusiasm dropped the moment she saw who it was. "Oh."

"Hey, fashion dork." Blocky chuckled; the two were... some vague approximation of what one might call 'friendship'. Close, but not quite. Competing in the strangest competition ever certainly drew them closer, but given their earlier history, they'd still rather keep their distance. "I kid. I kid." He'd continue, rolling his eyes. "Mostly."

Flower folded her arms. "Let's just cut to the chase; you're not here to buy anything, are you?" There'd be awkward silence for a bit as the two stared at each other. "...Yeah, nah." The block replied. "My sweater is still just fine, I think; if I already have one, why would I need *another*?" "I don't just have sweaters." The plant part answered. "I've got some shirts you can try, and there's also-" "Uh, what's the difference?" The hexahedron asked, raising an eyebrow. "They don't look to be much different; they're both stuff I can put on for... reasons." "There very much *is* a difference!" Flower replied. "You might not get it because you don't have an eye for beauty, fine. But I do! I know *all* about these details, everything about what it takes to be-"

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