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It's wasn't the first time that Amal had been made fun of because of her accent.
She knew they were exaggerating and she also knew that her accent wasn't bad and was nearly perfect but since some people are too attached to the past, they just continued to pick on her until it became their favorite pastime.
The only times where she did feel a small pang in her heart because of all of the fuss was in her first year, her mother had made her a discussion every night before bed until she was sure her words were stuck in Amal's mind, until they stained her.
And they did with time, she did not react or say anything but kept on walking or kept on continuing her work if they interrupted.

Nelson was two years older and yet he did not seem more mature than the first years, in fact, the first year's appeared to be more responsabile than the hypocrite who stood before the young girl, with her back to the enormous walls of the school's halls.
Amal didn't understand anymore if such things happened to her by his hands because he was offended by the way she used to speak or because she was foreign.
And that day's 'conversation' gave an answer to her confusion.
"You still have that ugly pronunciation of yours, in three years here you haven't learned that to stay in other country, who must know the language. From wherever you come from, I'm sure you know nothing on good accent and language, it's probably all rubbish you invented to get on with your lives, ain't I right?" Nelson spat in her face with hid eyebrows raised and the poor girl wondered if he had eaten anything that morning, she took a deep breath and held no fear in her expression and that seemed to aggravate him even more.

"You seem so fond of knowing my ethnicity, would you like to talk about it over some tea, perhaps?" she asked and looked at the other two standing at his sides, Amanda, the short one to left, short red hair and paper thin lips and on the right side Jack, blond hair, blue eyes, typical.
The three scrunched up their noses when she spoke and laughed all three together as they cornered her, Amanda looked disgusted, but the other two looked even more weirded out.
"My ears hurt" whispered Amanda and as she did so, she spoke with her mouth so open, her upper and lower teeth were on display.
"Listen here, why don't you go back to where you came from and keep on talking freely with that ugly voice of yours instead of using my language and instead of disrespecting it, keep yours. But don't use it here, save us the ear damage, foreign" Amal listed to hsi words amused as to how good he memorized today's script and she noticed how he never used her name, not that she wanted to but she remembered the first time he had ever said it, it pained her instead to heat him say it with such uneasiness.
The trio laughed and the pawns at his sides agreed by nodding their heads.

"Wait, where is it that you came from? Aren't you all terrorist? Didn't the school think about it before sending you the letter? Or did you terrorize Dumbledore into letting you in?" and with such words, Amal was caught of guard when Nelson pressed his arm against her neck, making her head hit the wall behind her roughly as a result and she tried then to reach for her wand but failed. She always heard foul words but she always walked away with laughter in the background, she never found herself in a position her they'd hurt her physically so she never cared for her wand but now.
Amanda outdid her, she took Amal's wand before she could reach for it, she held it between her fingers "Too late, dear" she said with a false sad face as she clicked her tongue a few times.
Nelson then, took out his wand from the pocket of his Slytherin uniform and pressed it against the part of her neck that wasn't covered and neerly crushed by his arm.
His curly hair fell over his face, covering his left eye and he released his arm then pressed his wand harder against her neck.
And in that moment she had felt fear after a long time, she knew they were at Hogwarts but she knew bastards like him would take the risk of being expelled of that would mean taking a foreigners life.
"You're unnecessary dirt that landed on my country's grounds. You brought your filthy ways with you," he said as she lifted her neck descreetly to relieve some of the pressure in her neck "you and your towlhead family should be punished" he said and the term he used made Amal take a sharp breath in before he stepped back, his wand pointed at her and she knew that it would be illogical if she started running.
Without warning, a boy's voice was heard from the left side of the hallway, Amal moved her head to find a boy she'd never seen before, he was tall and had light brown hair, a hufflepuff.
He was walking fastly as he made their way over to the four before he roughly grabbed Nelson by his collar making Amanda and Jack take a few steps back in fear.
Amal stepped out of the way and heard the boy speak "Do you think that is the way to speak to someone? Have you no self respect and respect towards your own being? I think someone deserving of a punishment isn't her, it's you Nelson and if I find you picking on her ever again, I promise you will encounter a punishment. Do you hear me?" the boy said in a serious manner that left Amal in awe, she say the boy loosing his grip around Nelson's collar before pushing him slightly before Nelson and his pawns ran off without looking back.

The boy stared at the running figures until they were out of sight.
Amal walked up to the boy and gave him a small smile of appreciation "Thank you, you didn't have to, I-" she began but was interrupted.
"I didn't have to? You looked like you needed help, are you all right?" he then asked, Amal tilted her head knowing how stupid it might have sounded that she didn't need help, because she did, but she never knew how to ask.
"Yes, I'm all right, thank you, really" she said gently.
The boy proposed he walk her to class, she refused by saying he didn't have to and that he would be late to his class and she really did not want to trouble him any longer but the longer she refused the longer he insisted and then there they were, walking alongside each other.

"I'm sorry I hadn't introduced myself earlier, I'm Theseus Scamander" he said.
"Amal Qamar" she said with a soft smile.
"Is it the first time Nelson," he seemed as if he wasn't finding the right term so she did not wait any longer to answer the question hidden inside of him "No, it's been three years. You can't really change people like him, they have such self confidence, I swear" she said and at her last words she heard Theseus chuckled under his breath, she looked up at him and nodded her head once.
"But I've never seen you before" he said.
"And I've never seen you around before too," guess destiny will have people be in the same spaces until they need one another.
They walked a bit longer in silence before both reached her class, they stood in front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class door before turning to look up at him.
"Thank you again, really. And you shouldn't have walked me to class, now you're late too" she said and he put his hands out in front of her refusing to hear any of it.
"I don't want to hear any of it, Nelson is like that, has always been like that and I know you don't deserve anything of what he has said." Theseus implied and his words came out as sincere so she figured he was one who defended people when he saw the need to.

"Well, I'll see you around?" he said noticing her silence.

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