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Fourth Year

Amal sat on her bed, fully clothed and ready to go as she witnessed Lana nearly break down over what to wear.
It was March, so it wasn't so cold but it wasn't hot either yet.
Amal wore her usual jeans and a red shirt with a boy in the middle, her black ballet flats, and a black leather jacket. She had braided her hair and finished small touch-ups.
Even though she tried to offer help, Lana refused as she stared at her closet filled with clothes.
So, Amal and Theseus finally succeeding in making Jason and Lana go out on a date, and since the two did not want to stay back and wait, they decided to go as well and maybe follow them in certain places.
Jason asked Lana to go to Hogsmeade together and she happily agreed, so she chose some clothes options and put them aside, until they weren't options anymore.
"Listen, Lala. I'm sure he'd still go out with you even if you had a sack of potatoes as clothes, and, you're going to be late. You look beautiful, you have your make-up done, your hair done and the clothes you chose yesterday were perfect and they go really well with the shoes you pit aside. And stop thinking because I'm sure he won't be dresses so perfectly, and I'll be as Hogsmeade too, just not with you." Amal tried to reassure her friend who still looked as if she were in a hard position, Amal stood up and walked over to her closet pulling out the clothes she literally forced inside.
She handed them to her and instructed her to breathe.
Lana rushed inside the bathroom and Amal grabbed her bag and placed inside her wand and other necessities she might need.
She walked over to Lana's side table and grabbed the permission and held it along with her own and waited by the door.
Few minutes passed and Lana was out of the bathroom, hair fixed and shoes tied.
"How come you always smell like roses and jasmines?"

"Body oils, hair oil, I'll show you when we get back. Come on" Amal said and grabbed her hand as both walked out of their door and out of the red Common Room.
The girls waited in front of the moving stairs as Amal spotted the boys waiting for them on the other side, Amal waved at both and Lana gave a small wave.
"So, is it a date for you too?" Lana whispered in Amal's ear.
"Why? It's not, enjoy your date, Lala" Amal said quickly before they walked down the stairs and met with the boys.
"You look pretty" Jason said shyly, Lana looked down before muttering a thank you, her cheeks almost turning red permanently.
The two friends shared a look and a smile as they saw their friends in this state.
Lana and Jason held hands as they walked outside of Hogwarts after seeing McGonagall with their permission, while Theseus and Amal walked side by side behind them.
She recalled how last year she had been to Hogsmeade with Lana, the snow crunching beneath their boots, the snow falling as they walked back to Hogwarts pulling their scarves closer to their necks and faces, and the sun was not visible and yet, it lightened up their surroundings.
This time, she had nothing crunching beneath her shoes, and Lana was on her first date.
"So, tell me about Jason" Amal asked Theseus who seemed to be thinking deeply about something Amal was not aware of.
He gave her a look before looking back in front of him "Do you not know him?"
"Oh, I haven't had a conversation with him, so, I don't know if he's like, discourteous or imprudent" she looked around her as she spoke.
Theseus scoffed with a small laugh following "So, you are implying that I surround myself with such people?"
"I'm not implying anything, dear Theseus. But you know," she began and moved her head left and right to show she was unsure "you never know" she scrunched her nose.
He pushed her lightly acting offended and Amal got closer, almost touching his shoulder as they walked.
"So, dear Amal, tell me about Lana".
"Ask anything" she said, fully certain that whatever question he'd asked, she'd have the answer to.
"Is she honest?"
At her answer, he didn't ask anything else, she turned to look at him with a small smile on his face.
"That's all?"
"Mmh" he nodded.

They arrived at Hogsmeade and parted ways, so the soon to be couple disappeared from their friends' view.
"Well, shall we mind their business or our?" Theseus asked coming to a stop.
"Half and half?" Amal suggested.
"Well then, where do you want to go first?" he asked.
"Honeydukes?" both smiled at one another and began walking once again.

But afterwards they walked around, and often got closer to the windows of shops and noticed Lana and Jason talking closely, Amal would then grab Theseus by his jacket and pull him away.
"You're making it noticible" Amal said as she still held on his arm, he looked down at her hand then back at her.
"It's not that noticible" he said feeling quite insulted, she let go of his arms and raised her eyebrows "Are you sure?"

That night, Amal sat on Lana's bed as she listened to Lana, both snacking on the bag of sweets offered by Jason.
"He was such a gentleman, Am! He held my hand everywhere we went, he even held the door for me.
At first we walked around for a bit and gifted me a pink flower, and we talked and it felt so easy to talk to him and he kept on asking me questions about me, and they were genuine, I could feel it on my bones, Am. And he bought me this bag of sweets from Honeydukes," Lana smiled and held a dreamy expression on her face as she told Amal about her date earlier that morning, Amal smiled amused until she saw Lana getting serious and pointed her finger at her.
"You know, Am. I saw you two peeking through the window, and how you dragged him from his arm, we laughed so hard our stomachs ached so much, you two looked so sweet!" from holding a serious expression, it softened at the last words. Amal tilted her head and looked around not knowing what to saw, partly embarrassed that they were busted.
"We weren't peeking, he saw something interesting and since going inside would've been a waste of time, I just looked at it from afar, you know?"
"No I don't, but what I do know is that you were right before, he wasn't really perfectly dressed and he called me pretty! More than once," Lana sqeaked in happiness and Amal nodded with chocolate in her mouth.
"I told you" Amal said covering her mouth.

When both felt really tired, they turned off the lights and went to sleep, but Amal called out her name "Lala?"
"Will I get the first invitation to your wedding?"
Lana laughed and so did Amal from under the covers.
"I'll have to think about that".
"Mmmh, we'll see about that, night"


In the library, the next day, Theseus and Amal met to study potions since both have been getting high marks together.
"They noticed!" Amal said as soon as she sat down next to him.
He looked confused at first but then his mouth fell open.
"But it wasn't that noticible, Am. Not that much at least".
"You're delusional, Theseus".
"Oh, I am?"
"Yes, you are!"

They studied potions together, just like they always do.
They had two pieces of paper, in one was the process and in the other the ingredients and both were sure this would get them points.
And Amal then remembered there would be a Quidditch match soon, between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.
Lana was selected as a keeper, and Amal went to her tryouts, at first she noticed how nervous the poor girl seemed but she then observed how her confidence grew as began to play, she showed happiness and Amal felt her heart warm up for her friend.
The night she had gotten the position, both stuffed themselves with sweets and played cards until late hour and until someone complained about their laughter. But they continued laughing, but a bit more quietly then.
"Are you going to be there? At the Quidditch match?" Theseus asked, looking up from the potions book.
"Of course, Lana's playing" Amal said with a hidden smile, knowing she just mentioned on of her friend.
"And you too, I know, Theseus." She added immediately and closed her own book.
"You know Hufflepuff won last year, right?" he wiggled his eyebrows and Amal shrugged.
"It was against Gryffindor" he whispered leaning in, she pushed him away and looked at him unaffected.
"Did you get slow in a year?"
"Do you have a problem with that?"
"Good, and Gryffindor will win this time, I promise you, Scamander" she said as she stood up from her seat, he looked at him amused she was so certain of something that has yet to happen.
"Whatever makes your boat float, Qamar" he said as she walked away, she shook his head as she disappeared from his view and with his lips curved at the ends, he began reading the topic in the option's book once again

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