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"Well, I do know someone who will be definitely cheering for you no matter what" Amal reassured Lana, who sat next to her in the Greathall at breakfast.
Lana did not seem so troubled at the outside, but Amal knew her friend and knew that she might have been desoarate for some reassurance on the inside and that is what Amal gave her.
"Me, of course. Who else?" Amal stated.
"Oh, I thought Jason" she said with a teasing smile, Amal scoffed and looked away.

Amal really didn't know much of Quidditch, she had assisted only few matches before that day, but yet here she was for the sake of her friends.
Amal couldn't wait to watch the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

As the match began, the air was filled with excitement and anticipation. The bludgers were zooming across the field, and the quaffle was passed swiftly between the players. Amal's heart raced with each near miss and incredible save Lana made. She stood up and cheerd loudly, receiving a few looks from the ones sat besides her.
Gryffindor's chasers, were fueled by their determination, scored goal after goal. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Amal joined in, her voice blending with the crowd of Gryffindor supporters. She clapped and shouted words of encouragement, even though Lana did not hear her.

Hufflepuff, however, wasn't one to back down easily and she knew that as she the the determined face on Theseus, who seemed to have raised his eyebrows at Amal from afar.
Their beaters aimed the bludgers, causing chaos on the field. Amal's heart skipped a beat as Lana dodged a bludger, narrowly avoiding a collision.
Amal's gaze was glued to the match, her excitement growing with each passing minute. Gryffindor's seeker, up in the sky on their broomstick, searched for the golden snitch. The tension in the air was palpable as the seeker and the Hufflepuff seeker were side by side in a chase, nearly colliding into one one of the stands.

Time seemed to freeze as the Gryffindor seeker finally caught sight of the snitch. Amal's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the seeker dive, their hand outstretched forward as he tried to reach for it. Amal held her breath, waiting for the outcome. And with a triumphant cheer, the Gryffindor seeker emerged, the golden snitch clutched tightly in his hand.
Gryffindor as well with some of the Ravenclaws erupted in a cheer as Gryffindor turned out to be the ones who won.
Amal couldn't contain her excitement as she stood up and cheered for Lana along with the entire Gryffindor team.
The Hufflepuffs seemed to have a deep defeated expressions on their faces, Amal smiled as she made her way out of the stands along with others.
She walked away and waited near the changing rooms as she attented Lana.
And as she did she looked around at the walls until she heard her name being called, but not from her.
"Amal" she looked behind her and saw Theseus submerge from the boys' handing rooms, fully cleaned and clothed.
"What did I promise you, Theseus?" she smiled cheekily and yet he did not seem as defeated as the others, despite their loss, he liked seeing Amal smile.
"Same old Amal" he muttered, shaking his head.
"You want to know something?" she asked, and he nodded.
She motioned him to come closer leaning in, she placed her hand near her mouth as if to tell him a secret, he looked confused but leaned in, moving closer "I saw Jason cheer for Lana," she whispered and moved away and spoke normally "isn't he so sweet?".

"Yeah, yeah" he said annoyingly looked elsewhere before back at her, "It was nice of you to wait for me outside the changing rooms, Am" he smiled knowing she wasn't there for him, and yet, seeing him was nice.
"Oh, I'm here for Lala. But you know, don't be mad at Jason, if I were dating someone on the opposite team, I would cheer for them too, you know?" she said hoping she clarified all.
A breathy laugh came out of him as he leaned on the wall and looked at her amused, and spoke "You know what, Am?"

"You're different when you're happy" he noticed and she tilted her head, giving him a questionable look waiting for him to clarify.
"It lightens up your eyes" he said with a delicate smile forming afterwards. The girl did not know what to say as she never had someone tell her such a thing.
She felt shy, strangely. She had never felt shy before when it came to him, for Merlin's sake, her was her best friend now so she pushed the shyness away and muttered a thank you and hoped she'd never feel this feeling again, because it bothered her, a heavy feeling in her chest. So she looked away and searched for something to say and did not find anything, but then he opened his mouth to say something until he heard someone from behind calling his name "Theseus!" some his friends she figured as he looked behind him and back at her "I'll see you then, Am" he said and walked away leaving Amal to let out a sigh, she pursed her lips before turning the opposite way, everything swarming in her head and she feared he shyness she had felt, why?
"Stop it, Amal. It's nothing" she muttered to herself and Lana emerged from the changing rooms with a huge smile.
Whatever Amal was thinking of flew away as soon as Lana put her arms up feeling victorious, she ran towards Amal and both hugged one another jumping in a circle.

In the Gryffindor common room, every one was celebrating their victory, the seeker was held up as all jumped.
"I wonder what their reaction would be if we competed against Slytherin and won" said Amal as she sat down on the couch, Lana beside her with her legs up.
"The school would explode" said Lana looking behind her.
The girls spoke and spoke, Amal told her about Jason and her face went completely red and a tiny smiled appeared on her lips that soon turned into a grin.
And then Lana began talking about him, it didn't bother Amal but it made her realize how she never had anyone being interested in her and she understood why and accepted it, she wasn't going to make it a huge issue in her life, knowing many things awaited her and the lack of interest was not going to be an obstacle for her.
Lana began talking about her wedding, if she ever married him and Amal laughed and reminded her of their school year and what awaited them before marriage ever came into plan.
The girl shrugged and looking up at the ceiling without a care in the world and told Amal that they had another date in the library, a study date.
Amal raised her eyebrows and spoke "Can you even speak freely there?"
"Well, I guess? He told me he wanted to show me something" Lana said honestly with a small voice.
"Well, guess we'll find out on Friday night?"

"I have to find you someone, so I can this time help you to prepare yourself and then after the date we will talk on your bed the whole night and you can say all you want to say!" Lana exclaimed, excitement and hope filling her voice, Amal shook her head, refusing. And her refusing made Lana open her mouth as if she just discovered something new.
"A bug will crawl into your mouth if you stay like that and you're probably going to choke on it." Amal said seriously.
"Shut up, do you fancy anyone at the moment?"
"What?No, why?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" Amal stated.
"You definitely fancy someone, I'm sure of it" implied Lana.
"You seem so convinced I feel a bit sorry for you, Lala" Amal placed a hand over her heart and she was met with a cushion to her face and instead of throwing it back at her, she used it to place her arms over it.
"Don't, Amal"
"I'm not going to do anything, relax and stop saying nonsense".
"Since when do I say nonsense?"
"Since I first talked to you, Lala. And if I fancied someone, who? They're all probably against people who don't serve them" Amal said and saw Lana's eyes go wide open and so did her mouth and covered it. She choked on a laugh a few times before she returned to her normal face.
"What? Have you heard Nelson's words? It's been a while since I've last seen him, but believe me you never know what people could think about me" and the fact that Amal was speaking about people not liking her because of her origins so normally without her seeming to be hurt anymore, amazed Lana.
"But, you do know that people like that are fools, right? And Nelson, that disgusting creature, I should've hexed him the first time he had said those awful things to you" Lana said.
Amal smiled and motioned Lana to come closer, Lana moved besides her and Amal embraced her friend to tightly, Lana tried to pull away, and when they pulled away, Lana's hair was out of her braid, both laughed.

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