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Her screams echoed, one by one.
And pain, pain consumed her every cell. He longed to punish her. He longed to hear her cries for him to stop and still he generated upon her body more and more pain, with the most atrocious of spells that were placed upon this world.
And with each scream she emitted, he laughed, he placed his hand over his chest to only calm himself down.
A full day has passed by and Amal felt she'd been there for a month, unless what she felt was right, but she felt so many things all at once that she could not thing straight, everything rushed and walked around her mind as if she were a sort of park.
He had performed so many spells on her that she began to wonder when he would perform a permanent one, and put an end to her suffering.
But he didn't, and she knew he wasn't planning on taking her life any time soon, no until he got what he wanted.
"Do you remember,Amal, that day where I took you out on a date?" he asked and waited for an answer he never got and got closer until his face was inches away from hers, his knife pressed to her cheek hard before he continued "Do you?" he asked once again, and if someone were to change the circumstances his voice would have sounded gentle and kind, but it only terrified the woman before him.
She gave him one nod and he let out a chuckle before leaning back on his chair and began talking "I had treated you so well, didn't I? I asked you questions and I lifted the silence, but you were an ungrateful whore. I had asked you one favor, one. And what did you do? Kicked me in front of everyone and ran away with that smug of a boy. And do you know what he had done to me? Heh? That night after dinner he had beaten the shit out of me and got me expelled. Do you know how that felt?! Being expelled only a few months before graduation? Listen, don't worry about it, what I am doing isn't because of you, but the idea of you incouraged me to get rid of you women," he spoke so aggressively and most of his words almost made the girl in pain laugh.
He spat on her face once she began to laugh, her chest shaking violently despite the burns on it.
"You are so immature in glad they expelled you, you're nothing but a dirty, disgusting man that was put on her only to be unwanted. Have you been hearing yourself! Look at what you have done! Look! Are you sick? Have you ever thought about going to get some help? Or is this just you whom your mother had birthed?" her words were loud and aggressive but all she felt was tiredness, she wanted to sleep, she thought he was ridiculous, childish, disgusting and violent.
She no longer wished to see the man's face.

But, her words were what pushed him to inflict more pain upon her, more curcios were yelled, he did nothing but perform three of the four unforgivable curses.
He said he hadn't started this because of her and yet why was he here in New York? Did he hold so many grudges?
Alex's face was red, he was fuming.
Amal wanted answers, wanted to know where was Ilyana and she wanted to know whether or not she would make it out of wherever she was alive, and then try to move on.
And if felt like an eternity before he stopped and walked backwards.
From the other side of the wooden door, someone knocked.
Amal's head turned quickly as Alex yelled "What?".
"Are you done with her, man? Tell that bitch to stop screaming so loudly while I'm having my own fun" whoever was behind the door said and Amal felt an ugly feeling her chest.
Pigs, these men were pigs.
Alex laughed and told him he would gag her, he grabbed a piece of cloth from his pocket and Anal breathed in a sharp breath before he roughly gagged her, scratching her eye with his long nail.
She scrunched her eyes closed, unable to open them as one burned.
He sat back in his chair and spread his legs.
"Listen, baby, if you never acted the way you did, you wouldn't be here but another woman would. But you know, I would have spared you the pain, you would've been my wife despite your disgusting origins. You only needed to give me the answers I want. Tell me, can you cook now?" he waited for an answer but chuckled as he remembered she was gagged.
"I forgot, sorry baby. It's such a shame, you would've been a great housewife, the floors would've been the cleanest thanks to your hands. Kids would be running around the house, such a shame, Amal. Such a shame. Wasted potential. Wasted talents. You know, you don't see what I see. Women, especially those like you are either destined to serve men like me, o scrub the floors for men like me. I mean, have you seen MACUSA since women were accepted? Business went deep down into the ground, baby. You just don't think like we do, but it ain't your fault, it ain't your fault, baby. But you did what you did, and you deserve your punishment, and maybe in the afterlife we'll find one another ".
Amal was horrified. She forgot about her injuries, forgot about the burn. She was horrified of his mind, the way he thought and the way he expressed himself. A single tear ran down her cheek, that was then absorbed by the piece of cloth around her.
With difficulty, she tried to gulp the dryness in her mouth and move backwards. She had no power. She felt powerless, she couldn't get out of these chains, not did she know where she was.
But he spoke again "Ah, and that friend of yours, Ilyana? Her hair is so pretty, have you seen it? What a shame for her too. I'll tell you where she is, but keep it a secret, all right?" he snickered at his own 'joke' and called his hands, tilting his head back "Oh, I forgot, you can't. Well, she's in the other room, and what is happening to you is happening to her, I've went slightly more rough on you. Do not worry, I didn't kill her, yet. I might set up a scene, you know. So you both witness eachother's deaths, wouldn't that be so funny?"
He sighed and stood up "Well baby, sorry to say this I gotta go, sleep well and don't choke on that!" he said with a light laugh afterwards and when he walked away and shut the door Amal closed her eyes, letting tears fall.

Not long after, she heard shouts and screams coming form outside. She thought something happened and her time was done. And when someone banged on the door, she closed her eyes tightly and tilted her head down, the banging continued and continued until the door flew open and Amal did not dare to look up as she remembered he wanted to make her death as funny as possible to his pleasure.
And strangely, before her death, she began thinking about everything she regretted and the first one was how she hadn't listened to her grandma that night, how she left to New York, how she hadn't tried to go speak personally to Theseus and how she didn't go visit Zyra when she asked her to do so.
She was not planning on begging for him to spare her, never would she ever beg a man like him.
So we welcomed death into her embrace, and recalled the moments where the shadow of death had followed her until this moment.
But she was wrong.
She heard a familiar voice, she thought it was her imagination, she felt her hands being pulled close to her as they felt light and free of chains and then, something was pulled over her, covering what belonged to her and only her.
She looked up slowly and found a colleague she worked with, Clark.
"You're okay" said Clark, slowly placing her hands around Amal, Amal relaxed under a comforting touch.
"Have you arrested him?" Amal asked.
Clark nodded gently and helped Amal up.

"Good job, he and those working for him will be sentenced to death with no case. Miss Ibrahim is being taken care of, come on, Miss Qamar."
Amal could barely feel her legs, her back was ruined, her body was ruined. She hoped she could erase what was caused. But what was done was done, and she must accept it as it will be a part of her life from that day and on.
And the one thing on her mind as she excited the same building she entered was that as soon as she would heal, she would go back to Britain, for a visit.

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