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Amal had sent him letters since 1915, but not once has he answered. So, she fled.
And as he feared she slipped away, but can you blame her?
Years and years of sending him letters, and after what he had confessed before going to war and being nominated a war hero, he vanished?
She saw him in the news paper, he had become the Head of the British Auror office, despite her sentiments, she felt proud and found herself smiling at his picture, he had reached his goal, what he had spent his life wishing for. So in the end, they both got what they wanted.
Didn't they?

In 1922 she had received the letter from the American Auror Office, MACUSA, offering her a position as they were aware about her marks at school and what had resulted from her auror training and decided to reach out to her, and with a pained heart she had learnt to move on and to not look back, or else she would be pulled by the buried past, a grave that she forced herself to dig, on her own.
And there she has spilt everything bottled up, everything hidden; hiding it more and forgetting about it.
Her dear sister, Zyra, too graduated and became an auror, deciding to follow her sister's path but she remained in England.
While Clementine remained at her side.
She was so grown, she had her own apartment that at times felt lonely, so she usually invited her friend Tina and her sister, Queenie, over. Although her first encounter with Queenie was quite awkward, with her being a legilimens, so without consent she had invaded her private space and for the rest of the night, she felt pity for the girl.

But one day, Amal had gotten the newspaper. And what was written inside made her stomach churn violently, that she had to look away because of the image.
Although they were blurred, they were unbearable to look at. She never believed anything like this would ever happen, these crimes against foreign witches?
It was a horror to even read about it, and these crimes being recent and a thought came walking slowly into her mind, but before fully thinking about is she rocubly pushed it away. She is an auror, they cannot and they will not get to her. Unless, someone knew about her and was searching for her in that instant. Who could it be?
No one she knew of, or so she thought.

The next day, Amal went to work earlier so she could go home before it was dark

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The next day, Amal went to work earlier so she could go home before it was dark.
She did have her wand and she couldn't use it with muggles, called no-majs here, but if someone were to see her and if she couldn't obliviate them, she could get in huge problems.
She exited the building and walked down the roads of New York, her coat over her shoulders, and her heals clicking with each step she took towards MACUSA.
A week ago, Amal received a letter from Zyra, who was asking whether Amal would come back or not, or at least come back to visit.
She informed Amal about a few things, things she might have missed not being in England any longer.
She told her about work, about everything was working out just like she wanted and then, she asked so many questions.
So Amal had written her back and told her she was fine and all was well, and that when she had time, she'd visit.
Amal arrived at her destination at the Woolworth bulling, and then to the MID, MACUSA Investigation Department, where she worked.
She then sat at her desk and pulled out the newspaper, Ilyana, an employee also from Saudi passed by and offered her some tea, she gracefully accepted as Ilyana sat at her desk, which was one desk away from Amal's.
Amal then retrieved the necessary and began working, as she tried to figure something out.
She looked up and asked Ilyana "Have you found something?"
"No" Ilyana answered sadly, but then she spoke once again "Isn't it strange? Something like this has never occurred before, we are in danger and many other witches are two. But who could be this foolish to start such a thing?".
Amal looked down at the papers in front of her and looked back up and shrugged with a defeated face.
"I don't know, but we must trace their old and recent positions, maybe that will lead us to the current one." Amal said and Ilyana nodded, and asked "Where should we begin?"
"Fetch the first crime committed against foreign witches in America, we'll start from there and that will lead us to the current one, I know it".
Ilyana nodded determined and walked away to find the very first crime.
Amal sat with a quill in her hands, the quill she never let go of.
She fetched a blank piece of parchment and wrote the number one when Ilyana came with the very first crimes.
So, Amal spent her day at work writing down the first to the most recent crimes against witches like here, and they all occurred around New York.
She stood and grabbed a map, she checked out the places and wrote the numbers until she got to twenty three and stopped, twenty-three women were killed, and there would have been an twenty-fourth.
Her eyes scanned the map carefully and noticed how they looked like a clockwork. From the North, then to the East side, then South and now, Amal though, the twenty-fourth crime would be in the west.
"Ilyana?" asked Amal.
"Yes, Amal?"
"Do you know where the crimes have been happening? Where exactly?"
"Abandoned buildings, here's the recent newspaper" Ilayana walked over to Amal's desk and placed it.
And Ilayana looked at Amal's desk, and widened her eyes as it all made sense.
It all made sense, and that is where Amal would go tonight.
Because if there were other witches there she had to help. And if she warned the other aurors, they might not be able to handle it. So since she had the authorization to do such a thing she will and when she goes and if she finds something or someone, she will warn MACUSA, but since she was not a 100% sure, she would go alone. As much as she might regret it later. She cannot afford any false calls.
Ilyana stood over Amal as she tried to figure something out and the girl whose hair was covered with a black veil spoke "What are you planning to do?".
Amal answered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "I will go here tonight," Amal pointed the exact location and circled it with her quill and wrote it down "alone".
"You cannot go alone, Amal. It is dangerous. If someone knows who you are and where you come from and inform whomever is commiting such crimes against us, you can be killed, as powerful as you are. The witches that have been killed are known quite well in our country and in the rest of the continent for their abilities, and look what has happened.
You are a dear friend of mine other than a simple colleague, Amal."
"I will not let you go, Ilyana. This is where I'll be. If tomorrow you do not see me, tell the others I have found where they are. Tell them to be descrete and to do things with caution. So if I am here tonight, you might find me here tomorrow," Amal put the dates over the places and heard Ilyana take a sharp breath in.
And both worked for the rest of the day, and when they had time to spare they talked.
"How was it? In Hogwarts? I mean, did you receive any words that-"
"Of course I did. But they stopped eventually, what about you?"
"At Ilvermorny? It was hard. I don't understand how close their minds were and are. I remember in my fourth year someone made fun of me by implying I showered with my veil and clothes on" Ilyana said and laughed, and Amal chuckled and covered her face and shook her head.
"For me it was always my accent. But despite all this I found friends whom I felt safe around".
"Are they here with you?" Ilayana asked, sipping her coffe.
Amal shook her head "They're in London. I'm still in touch with Lana, she's always been a great friend to me, really. But time flies, you know?"

"Unfortunately I do know quite well."

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