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Sixth Year

Amal couldn't believe that next year would be her last year at Hogwarts and thinking about it more and more shed bittersweet feelings in her mind. She didn't dare to force her thoughts to go beyond the summer where she would be eighteen. She feared something  that did not have a name yet would happen. And one thing that held her back, like a magnet trying to stay away but fails to do so and it just gets pulled until its stuck, was him. She hadn't come to terms with the odd feelings that bloomed and expanded in her chest whenever he was just, there. And she also did not understand why such things happened and she yearned to crush those sentiments that seemed to be so burdening upon her heart, and she knew deep down in those hidden places to the eye and touch that whatever she felt was not meant to be present so she decided to dig a grave for them on her own. Her feelings have been kept inside of her chest, and the more they grew, the more they urged her to free them. So for a whole year, she did just that, as suffocating as it was, she will bear more upon her own being. And what awaited her in the future was unknown to her.

But nonetheless, she felt devoted to potions class and since her third year, she has been sitting next to Theseus, who has proved himself to be the greatest partner, even though last year they did not share the class, as unpleasant as it was to both. But that did not mean they did not study the subject together. So, walking into class later for the fourth time in four weeks, she knew she would get detention, she tried to explain that i just might be her walking pace and of course, that was not a good reason to be late as if there were any. So as soon as she was visible to the class the professor looked at her with an annoyed expression, she was late only five minutes, she was sure of that. She looked down and heard him say the word detention, she deserved that but it still sounded bad. "But its not fair, she was late by only five minutes!" she snapped her head towards the class and Theseus was speaking, her eyes widened and she shook her head slowly knowing he'll get detention too.

"Can you repeat, Mr Scamander?" asked the professor and Amal shook her head once again, Theseus gave her a look before he repeated his exact words from before.
The professor smiled at him and spoke calmly "Well then, since you think of yourselves so smart, I believe you won't mind joining Miss Qamar during detention, will you?".
Theseus did not speak and nor did Amal as she went to stand beside him after the scene.
The professor began to intrude a new potion that is studied in sixth year and since they had two hours of potions, the professor decided that during the first half hour, he would explain, leaving the student an hour and a half to recreate if but this time he gave them the permission to use their book so make such a potion.
"You will use your books, for the ingredients and the process of Amortentia, yes you can call for me and, should you do anything wrong the damage would be irreparable, remembered by a few graves, start" he said calmly looking down at his book.
A few students began to search the ingredients while Amal stayed behind and faced Theseus.
"You got yourself detention" she said.
"I know?"
"Couldn't you have just closed your mouth?"
"I would have liked a thank you, Am" he muttered and spoke again "Now you won't be alone during detention".
She shook her head and sighed, "Thank you" she muttered quietly, grabbing the book, ready to go to ftecg the ingredients but his hand caught her arm, keeping her in place.
"I didn't hear you well?"
"Thank you" she said, a bit more loudly this time but he decided to keep on "I didn't hear?" he said and a laugh escaped him when she muttered something in her language and walked away, his eyes glued on her as she did so.
He couldn't help but look at her side profile, she was all gentle in her manners and looks, her nose was a normal size and a but curved at the bottom, whenever she smiled hard her cheeks would show looking soft and delicate, her smile would reach her eyes, and oh, how her crooked smile was bewitching.
She fetched all the ingredients required and placed them one by one on the table, she felt eyes on her and looked up "What are you looking at? Do you wish another 'Thank you'?".
He didn't say anything as he looked down at the book, acting like nothing.
Amal opened her own potions book at page 587 and read aloud, for only them to hear, the topic.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. The main ingredients are :

Ashwinder eggs.
Rose thorns.
Powdered Moonstone.
Pearl Dust.
Rose Petals.

Amortentia was considered an incredibly dangerous potion, as one should have never underestimated obsessive infatuation."

Amal read and looked up and Theseus asked  "So I guess, it should have mother-of-pearl sheen? And steam rising in characteristic spirals, and it’s supposed to smell differently to each according to what attracts us?"
Amal nodded and looked that at the book and back up "That's what is written here".
Both began brewing the potion, paying attention to the steps written inside the book, the thought of detention flew away, vanishing into nothingness as they worked calmly.
They finished it with no doubts receiving the result that was needed.
The professor passed by and stopped motioning both to step away and they did sharing a look.
"It is impressive how you two work together and are exceptional when it comes to brewing potions , this is what was required. Exceptional at work but absolutely barbaric in manners. Now, may I ask you to smell it? Ladies first?"

Amal took a step forward, her heart beating although she reassured herself that she could easily lie.
But she didn't.
"I believe I smell leather," she got a bit closer and added "citrus, flowers and something I do not know the name of" she took a few steps back as Theseus walked closer.
"Roses, Jasmine, musk and" he stopped, as if to recall the name of the last scent "amber".

"Well, then. It seems your potion is well made, ten points to each house. In the evening, a bit before the sun sets, for your detention, I shall escort you two to the Forbidden Forest, you shall keep your wands. Be here at six exact" he said, and walked away.
Amal knew the forest was dangerous but that hadn't stopped her from visiting it.
"Exceptional at work but absolutely barbaric in manners," Amal mimicked and both laughed silently.
"He'll get us killed" said Theseus.
"Oh, don't worry it's just a silly forest"
"Have you been there?"
"Yes, before potions class".
"That's why you've been late lately, aren't I right?"
"Like always" she muttered and he pushed her with his side.


"Be back at eight, don't be late." the professor said and disappeared leaving the two in front of the forest.
"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Theseus asked.
"Since when have you started doubting me?" Amal asked as she lowered her head to avoid colliding in a tree branch.
Theseus followed behind as they both fell silent and only then did she realise she was alone in a forest with him.
She felt then nervous, a tight feeling in her chest that she hated so much.
She brought her hand up to her chest and circled it with her hand gently, as if to relieve some tension.
It helped as she saw a tree so familiar to her, with a cavity in it were tiny creatures lived in it.
"Come see" she said and grabbed his arm for him to move faster.
She stood besides the tree, and slowly a bowtruckle came out of it, Theseus stepped back and Amal kept her snort in.
"You chicken, come closer it won't bite" she stated, and moved her hand closer as it jumped on it.
"What is that?"
"A bowtruckle, they won't hurt you, they pick locks and are quite peaceable creatures" Amal informed him.
"And how have you come across this peaceable creature?"
"I just followed it from outside the forest" she said innocently.
"Since when have you been like this?"
"Like what?"
"Breaking the rules?"
Amal laughed "Breaking the rules, that's big. A bit of curiosity doesn't hurt from time to time, Theseus. Now I just have a friend to keep me company".
"All right, and should I worry?" he asked.
"About what?"
"Won't you replace me".

"He's a bit more intelligent than you, and more useful."

"That's funny, Am," he said annoyingly "does it have a name?" he asked, she shook her head.
"It does not".

It took them twenty minutes to get back and Theseus had warned Amal that if she came back next time, she could get suspended for her being late so often and because the professor might get curious about her tardiness and look into it.
"Clementine?" suggested Theseus, more like a question.
"The thing's name, I think Clementine is quite nice" he said, looking away from her, shyly.
She intertwined her arm with his, and smiled "Have you already gotten attached, Theseus?" she teased, and revived a "Shut up".
She laughed once again, it was a delicate laugh.

"Clementine's nice".

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