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He had walked her home that day, his body close to hers and their hands grazed one another.
And for the first time in a long time, the silence that has presented itself in between them felt pleasant.
He accompanied her and then, she stopped in front of her building as she did not want him to get back home later than usual.
He stopped too as if he wanted to hear her say something to him, they have cried in each other's arms, they have shed their souls to one another, there were no layers when they looked at one another.
He took a step forward and she did not move as he took a breath in and spoke, not removing his gaze from hers.
"You still have it," he muttered and she smiled gently at him and asked "Have what?"
He indicated to both of her eyes and chuckled "Happiness still lights your eyes".
She moved closer and tilted her head to he side and asked "What makes you think so, Theseus?" her voice was gentle and delicate as it always was.
He hummed and look down at her smile before back at her eyes.
"I remember" he stated kindly as he tucked a strand of hair away from her face and behind her ears.
But involuntarily, he found himself leaning in, slowly, taking his time. And once his face touched hers, but their lips did not yet meet, he whispered against her mouth "You wouldn't mind, would you?"
A smiled formed on both of their lips as she leaned in and their lips touched.
It was soft, gentle and delicate, just as he thought it would be.
And holding her like that, so close to him made his heart skip each beat and replaced his heart with hers.
He held her by her hips and pulled her in until nothing could pass between them, the only thing connected was their bodies and hearts.
And slowly, theirs lips moved against one another, as famished as they have been for years for this moment, the kiss was not rough, nor aggressive. It was just all the sentiments they have felt for all those years, finally blossoming for their eyes to see.
And for a moment, both seemed to fail to contain the smile their lips were forced to keep in, both chuckled as her hands were around his neck and one hand of his snaked up her body and found it's way to her cheek.
They breathed heavily, Amal's heart was running a marathon with no end, and she didn't think it will have one.
"I'll see you at work, Mr Scamander?" she asked, keeping in a grin.
But he didn't keep anything from her, he grinned and blinked "I'll see you at work, Miss Qamar", he kissed her once again and watched as she disappeared into the building before he walked away, unable to keep his grin in.
Amal used the stairs and found herself unconsciously smiling to herself and she wondered whether it was reality or not.
But apparently not.
She unlocked her door and walked inside her apartment and locked it again.
She took off her ballet flats and began walking to the bathroom, but from the corner of her eye, she saw a figure inside her living room.
She fetched her wand and with a rush she had never used, she pointed it at the figure in her living room.
But, she saw Lana sitting on her couch with a bowl of fruit.
"Don't worry I washed everything I used" she said as if that was the issue.
Amal was about to rub her eyes, as if she weren't believing Lana was here.
"Why are you here? I saw you like-"
"Two hours ago?"
"It's already been two-"
Lana raised her wrist that held a clock on it and pointed at the time.
Amal nodded "Oh, I didn't feel the time passing by-"
"So what?"
"Oh, come one, Am. I saw the two of you from the balcony-"
"Oh, you didn't just appear here, you were snooping, too?"
"Well, I have my motives, now go, do what you must and come back as I prepare you a bowl of fruit, and a bowl of candy for both, yalla, go" Lana said and Amal chuckled as she raised her arms and walked away.
Amal felt as if she was twenty again, but beginning a new life, with new people, but the people were the same, just different circumstances.
She quickly changed into her nightwear and walked to her kitchen as she found Lana cutting fruit and noticed the bowl of candy ready.
Amal glanced at Lana's bump and asked "What do you want to name it? Girl or boy?"
"I really don't know, Am. You know what Jason said?"
Amal shook her head and Lana continued "Whatever it's name is, I will love it, you can choose. I love him for it but at least help me out, no?"
"Well, at least he can't give you bad names to use, right?"
"That is the advantage of it".

Amal then grabbed the bowl of fruit and Lana the candy one and both walked to the living room.
Both sat on the couch and turned off the television and Lana asked immediately "So? Tell me everything you want".
"Do you remember when I told you that he sent my letters back? He told me that the letters he sent me were sent back to him so-"
"So it was neither of you, it was someone else's doing?"
"Yes, and before he uh, went to fight in the war he gave me that letter. When I walked out of your apartment he followed me out, and in the end we both hugged and we both held tears in our eyes and he asked me if he could walk me here.
And, um, he leaned in and I gave in. So-"
"You kissed?" Lana asked loudly, her eyes wide and a grin forming as if she were sixteen hearing about a first date.
"Twice" Amal admitted shyly and it made Lana laugh, by placing her bowl on the table.
"I feel sixteen, and I'm hearing about your first date and your first kiss, wiat you have kissed people in New York, haven't you?"
"Not really, no" Amal said slowly and Lana raised her eyebrows until they almost touched the ceiling.
"Yes, Lana really. It's not a bad thing, you know?"
"I mean, I've only kissed Jason in my life, but I mean, when I was what? Sixteen?"
"Oh stop it with this sixteen, Lala."

"I can't believe me and Jason managed to come to know that you two were in love were one another but the only people that did not know were you two. You were so blinded, Am. Both of  you, but I had told you before you two became close friends that destiny will have you two meeting one another. Isn't is so beautiful? Fate has kept you both distant and yet your hearts beat for one another this whole time. And hasn't your grandma told you the same thing? I met her when you moved to New York, and we had a great time talking about it because, we both believed that we had never met anyone as blind as you two. But, despite your blindness, I love you both".

"You're so sweet to remember all that, Lala".
"I'm excited for you to begin your love life, even if it's at this age but you know".
Amal gasped and spoke "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean I am expecting my second child, you just had your first kiss, are you going to have your first child at 70?" Lana said and seeing Amal's expression, she exploded with laughter and then Amal joined her and shook her head.
"You're foul!"
"Am not!"

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