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Time flew fast and with a blink of an eye, it was the last day of their third year.
Everything was all packed up in their suite cases, ready to reach another destination that would feel slightly foreign to everyone in their hearts.
Amal knew she had another four years to go and although she felt as if she would miss waking up in her dorm, the idea of going back home sat calmly in her heart.
She recalled all the moments of her third year as she and Lana walked side by side and made their way to the Station, with others behind.
She realized just now how unexpectedly, one day, she had made an acquaintance, that soon became a friendship she felt deeply grateful for.
Lana grabbed Amal's arm and pulled her onto the train and she felt her arm nearly ripped from her shoulder.
They squeezed into the crowd who either stopped to choose the left or right cabin, or who stopped to talk.
Amal held onto her bag draped over her shoulder tightly as she then stopped, grabbed Lana's arm and pulled her inside the cabin before sliding the door close.
"I do prefer the back though" Lana said and Anal stared at her not knowing the motive of her liking.
"Why?" she asked then.
"Because there's a door so when we arrive to the station we already have a door instead of having to walk all the way to the front" Lana explained and Amal couldn't say she didn't agree with her because she was right. But Amal was strangely tired and couldn't stand any longer outside waiting for people to be any slower.

Lana took out a book from her bag and threw it onto Amal's thighs.
"What is this?" Amal asked her confused once again.
"That is the book from where I learnt what live should be, I read it and now you will too. You can give it back in September, I have another copy at home" said Lana and leaned in to open a certain chapter.
Amal nodded and took it in her hands "And what is the difference between this one and the one you have at home?"
"Oh, the other one's signed" she said, happiness filled her voice.
Amal placed the book into her bag and looked up to find Lana with a smile.
"So," she began "any news?" she asked.
"No, do you have any news? Perhaps with some boy whose name is Jason?" Amal smiled as she said those words, again perplexed about her previous question.
The girl went red.
And even though Amal had the answer she got from her friend's face, Lana could do nothing but deny the visible.
"No, he's a nice friend" she said immediately.
"You like him!" Amal exclaimed with excitement in her tone.
"No, I don't"
"Yes you do!"
"What about your dear friend?"
"Which one?"
Lana raised her eyebrows "Theseus and I are your only friends, Am".
"What about him, Lana?"
"You're so cute together!" she raised her voice and Amal tried to shush her.
"He's a close friend, Lala".
"But remember what I had told you? Destiny will have you meeting again and again. You'll grow old together!"

"Who will?" the girls snapped their heads to the door and saw a familiar face, Theseus.
He was smiling as he asked to join them, the girls couldn't refuse so they agreed, Amal saw how Lana quickly grabbed Amal's bag and placed it besides her so her left and right side were completely occupied.
Amal made space, sitting by the window and the boy whom they were talking about a few seconds ago sat besides her.
There was a moment of awkward silence until Amal turned to face Theseus and asked "So, do you have any plans for this summer?".
"I don't really think I do have any, I can always come up with something. Do you two have anything in mind?"
"Go to the beach everyday probably, Amal and I live close to each other so I'll just drag her out of bed every morning" Lana answered, so convinced on everything she said.
Amal gasped a little "You wouldn't dare".
"You could come sometime" Lana added, looking at Theseus who seemed to be looking outside the window.
"Yes, you should," Amal added and continued "and you should probably bring that friend of yours, Jason right?"
Theseus looked at Lana with a small smirk before looking back at the friend who just spoke, he noticed how Lana grew a bit red but decided to make it as if he hadn't seen anything.
"Sure" he chuckled.

The ride back home was far from quiet and awkward. The three were talking and laughing and eventually even Jason came and found them, informing Theseus that Luke was with his girlfriend. As soon as Lana saw the boy looking at the bags on both of her sides, the girl grabbed Amal's bag and placed it on Amal's legs resulting in the two, Theseus and Amal, to share a look nearly failing to keep in their laughter growing in their chests. Jason was soon added to the conversation after informing him of its causes and reasons until Jason started a conversation with Lana leaving the two in front of them nearly laughing at them, not to make fun of them but the laughter was the cause of a small realization that both fancied one another but couldn't seem to make the first move. Amal leaned to her side and placed her hand gently on Theseus' shoulder as she whispered ad discretely as possible, "Do you think one of them will eventually make the first move?" he looked at her and he assumed her position as he whispered as quietly as possible in her ear "Well, we see what happens in summer and if nothing happens then we try to set them up on a date next year" he suggested , Amal moved her head sideways as if to agree and got closer "Man him up, I'm not allowing Lana to make the first move" she said and a small snort came out of him causing the cabin to go completely quiet as the two in question stared at Amal and Theseus so close in awe, Amal moved away with a smile on her face and with an expression on Lana seemed to understand she urged her to continue on with her conversation as if nothing happened and Amal believed Lana was deeply infatuated with whatever the topic of the conversation was since both began speaking as if nothing had happened. 

So Amal grabbed her notebook and a quill from her bag and set it on her knee as she wrote 'You couldn't keep that snort in, could you?' she finished writing and looked at him, he shook his head and grabbed the quill from her hand slightly brushing her fingers. He brought the notebook closer and wrote 'So, do you plan on growing up old with someone?'. She read his words written down and her eyes grew wide as she wrote 'You sneak!' he looked down and chuckled. She looked down and began writing 'Do you?'

'Now who's the sneak?'

'So you admit you had such conversation with your friends?' she wrote and was elbowed by him gently before he took the notebook from her 'Yes, I might'.

'That's sweet, I might lend you the book Lana just lent me,' she wrote and as he read it, she went to reach for the book Lana gave her a few hours ago, he took it from her hands and read the title and the inside 'No, thank you, Am. But when you read it, I'd like to hear what you have learnt about love' he passed her the quill and the notebook, both looked up to find their friends deep in talking, of course, their seats were close but they looked as if nothing else could hear them but, them. Amal looked down from the soon to be couple and held the quill still in her hands unsure of what to say so she just wrote 'If you insist, Theseus'.

The train finally came to a stop. They waited a while before could move easily until they reached the door and Amal heard multiple 'I told you we should've sat at the back' from Lana and Amal peacefully closed her ears until they stepped off of the train. Amal embraced Lana and said her goodbyes knowing she'd be seeing her in maybe two days before both met at the beach and before they'd continue like that for the rest of the summer, Lana obviously made sure not to forget to say that Jason was welcome along with Theseus to go visit and Amal covered her mouth and laughed a bit before speaking "We definitely should set them up".

"Goodbye, Theseus" she smiled and was unsure of whether she should embrace him or not and he seemed hesitant too, "Bye, Am" both looked at one another, hesitating to do the same thing and both were unaware of such thing. And when Amal spotted her mother calling her, Theseus stepped forward, she gave him one last smile and a small wave before she disappeared in the crowd.

Blinded Devotion || Theseus ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now