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Amal seemed to have been wandering the school's hallways all day, she felt bored.
She had nothing to do, Lana was with Jason and she absolutely had not idea of where Theseus was.
So instead of wandering around the school some more, she put in her mind to go back to the Forbidden Forest, it was still light outside and she had her wand, so, any unpleasent encounters can be fixed easily.
It was May, the last month of her sixth year at Hogwarts and it seemed to be more real as days passed, like evaporating water, but it cannot return like before this time.
She stepped outside, wearing her robe and her wand in her pocket.
The sun was in the middle of the sky, but it slowly moved its way further down by the minute, the sky possessed gentle colours, gentle enough to warm ones heart.
The clouds formed straight lines as if white powder was placed in the sky slowly and precisely, like one might draw on a piece of parchment.
And the green that the Forbidden forest provided looked ravishing.
And all the lightness seem to fade as soon as the trees of the forest embraced her like she were one of its own.
She was cautious as she looked up and down with each step she took, leading her to Clementine, who, when it recognized her, poked its head out of the cavity the tree held.
Amal held out her hand, waiting for it to crawl on it and later on, it refused to let go, making a sad face.
The girl let out a chuckle at such creature mimicking a 'human' expression so effortlessly.
"I have to go back," Clementine narrowed its eyes more.
"Listen, I'll make you a deal. Before the last day of school, I'll come and get you and take you home with me, sounds good?" Clementine seemed to be pleased and Amal let her hand get closer to the tree cavity and spoke "I do have nice trees in the garden".

And as it crawled back inside the tree, Amal sighed and was close to walking back but heard something that caught her attantion. She stayed quiet, heeding to the now gone crunch of leaves.
Her heart raced and she forced it to stop doing such a thing back taking a few steps back but her eyes stayed glued to the direction from where the noise came.
And as it grew louder, her heart and the noise, she did not look back as she ran the opposite way.
She reached for her wand and held it tightly in her moving hands, giving her some sort of reassurance.
Then, thoughts came rushing into her mind and the main one was, why had she taken so long to go back?
She knew that if she thought about, whatever was behind her, taking her life, she would be labeled as foolish.
So, a list of creatures that it could be came, plaguing her mind.
And she sweared she'd laugh if it turned out to be a person, instead of something big and dangerous, as love as it might be.
She did not desire expulsion, but it was in her hands that she only ever saw creatures inside jars and bottles, dead.
She came to a halt, knowing she had ran only straight, not taking any left or right turns.

But it seemed it has been following her the entire time, she looked around and found a big rock, she ran and hid behind it.
Her breath came out trembling, she covered her mouth but then the steps stopped, but then she heard breathing, a deep, heaving, breathless breathing.
"Merlin's beard, she does run fast" she hear a voice mutter as he tried to breathe better.
She slowly turned around and peeked to see it was only Theseus.
A small laugh escaped her but she slapped her hand on her mouth as she stood completely, with Theseus coming closer.
She saw his face, red, his cheeks flushed his hair all over the place, as he ran a hand though them and the laugh of her died inside of her chest.
She seemed to be breathing heavily then, she couldn't understand the effect that he had on her. Her chest rose up and down and so did his.
"Amal, I called your name, you didn't answer" he said taking steps forward, until she looked up at him.
She was not short, she was indeed tall, but he was just taller.
"I didn't hear you" she said with a small voice.
"What are you doing here again?" he asked her.
"Clementine" she said.
"I had told you that if they discovered yo-"
"I know, I know" she said, with an expressionless tone.
"What are you doing here?" she then asked him.
"Searching for you. I had asked Lana but she didn't know so I figured you were," he looked around and back at her "here."
"I really thought you were some creature following me the whole time" she muttered and a minute of silence passed before they connected their gazed and their chests exploded with laugher.
"Why were you searching for me?"

"Do I need a reason to be with my friend?" he asked, and Amal shook her head.
"A valid one".
But then, Amal couldn't stop what was embracing her heart, it felt as if it were tight but even warm. Never had there ever been silence that felt unbreable to both.
As if silence had bewitched them both, from the lengths of their souls to the width of their hearts, guiding whatever was hidden to the eyes. Whatever she had tried to avoid the whole year has shown itself with the shadows of the forest to his eyes, and it was as if she were pressed against his chest as his heart thumped for her.
But both heart a noise, and it was nit theirs.
Theseus cleared his throat and spoke "Come on, let's go".
Amal feared that, if her sentiments got the best of her, she would lose him because then, each other's presence would feel awkward.

But if she ever had the chance to speak, she would.


But a stranger feeling, was the feeling of time going by quickly. It feels as if one is stuck in time as it walked slowly, and yet, once one turns around for a minute, they're at the ends of time.
And Amal, once again found herself at the Station, for the last time expecting another year to come.
And there she sat, with Theseus across from her looking outside the window.
Both had no idea of where Lana and Jason were, but they had a few guesses which they refused to express.
Clementine hid in Amal's bag, at times peeking outside, and anak always looked down and showed a smile and Theseus watched.
Amal whispered to it that the strange boy sitting in front of her won't hurt it and Clementine seemed to glance a few times at him before moving it's head with a smile.
"I hope I'll see you this summer" Theseus asked making Amal looked up at him and tilted her head "I didn't know you missed me so much during my absence" she said, with a slight humorous tone. Theseus pushed his dark blond hair away from his face and gave her a look, "I would doubt that" he said, Amal clicked her tongue.

Later on, Lana and Jason showed up, looking more different than usual.
They slid the door open and Theseus moved beside Amal without a second thought.
"Exceptional at work but absolutely barbaric in manners," both Amal and Thesesu said in unison and then the girl added staring at both "How come you two are late?" she asked.
"We just couldn't find you!" Lana said, justifying her tardiness looking then at Jason, who looked flushed.
Theseus shared a look with Amal before they both stared disgustingly at their friends.
"You both smell like khara by the way," she said using a word in her language to act as if she didn't know what had actually happened and Theseus almost snorted, knowing the meaning and Amal continued as the two in front of her looked at her strangely "did you two use the same perfume this morning?"
"Yes!" Jason said.
"Well, that explains it" muttered Theseus.

Amal looked down to find Clementine looking outside and made a weird face and shaking its head before it placed its arms over its face, squeezing its eyes, "Clementine smells it too" Amal whispered in Theseus' ear.
But then, the train came to a stop.
And like the third year, fourth and fifth, currently sixth they found themselves frozen before one another as what surrounded them were people hugging, saying their farewells temporarily or forever.
"I'll see you, then?" she asked him, not long after she spotted her mother in the crowd.
He gave her a tight smile and a single nod "Yeah, I'll see you, Am".
And yet again, both hesitated.
But as her mother seemed to be approaching, the more she felt time was slipping beneath her fingers.
Her movements were quick as she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, and slowly she felt his hands snake over her waist, hugging her back just as tightly.
"I'll miss you, you fool" she whispered, and she heard him mutter something, but couldn't make out the words.
They broke away and with one last wave, she walked away but he remained in his place, glancing at her until she was sucked by the crowd.

How agonizing, both loved one another and yet they did not possess such knowledge, a knowledge that was hindered by fear and blindness.

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