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Lana had insisted Amal wore the yellow sundress hidden deep in her closet.
Amal refused a few times before Lana convinced her to wear it, Lana then braided her hair into a long braid leaving two small strands out that Amal alter tucked behind her ears.
She wore her white ballet flats and Lana then left, waiting for Jason's arrival.
"Good luck with Jason, and do not worry. They will love him" Amal reassured before the girl walked away.
Amal stood in front of the chimney and she could sense Khadija staring from the corner of her eye.
And in a second, Amal was gone.

She still did not understand why she always found herself in the darkest alleys existing in Diagon Alley, she hugged her exposed arms as she walked with her gaze lowered until she was out.
She sighed in relief always fearing for her life in those alleys.
She walked around, knowing she'd find him sooner or later, or he would.
There were a few people walking around, after all, Diagon Alley was for the wizards and witches, and for them only.
She looked down at her light yellow dresses, fearing it was too much for a meet up.
But she pushed the toughy away from her head, freeing herself of a useless though when she felt a warm hand touching her shoulder.
"Amal" she heard and turned around and faced Theseus, who also had a light yellow shirt on and smiled.
"Theseus, hi" she greeted him, placing her left foot behind her right one.
He felt nervous at the sight of her, he thought she looked beautiful but he feared it would be too much for him so say, his eyes glanced at her braided hair and then glanced at her dress, noticing only then that it was the same color of his shirt, and recalled Jason's words telling him to wear it because it was summer, and yellow just fitted with the season.
And if he could keep admiring her, he would.
But instead she stepped back and spoke "It's been so long" she said and then, he took the courage to take a few steps closer and hug her, she tensed under his touch, but his hug was just like she remembered, like the last time he had held her like this. It was warm, and only then did she feel his heart beating.
And he noticed her rose and Jasmine's scent, it was heavenly.

"Well, then, shall we?" Theseus said and held out his elbow, she smiled and held it as they began walking down the streets of Diagon Alley.
"Have you heard?" Amal asked and he looked down at her, "Jason's meeting Lana's parents today. Merlin's beard, you should have seen her yesterday, we spent the whole night on our balconies sending letters to one another about suggestions because we couldn't speak or else we would've woken up the whole neighbor. And poor Janet, she too was up with us. " she said and laughed at the end a bit and he smiled down at her.
"I have, I swear you two compliment one another quite well, I guess we'll know how it went tonight?"

"Yes, we will".

They then started a whole new conversation about after school and strangely, they did not feel sad about it, as if talking about it last time had benefitted both.
Both wanted to be aurors, so both shared almost the same ideas.
"I have been working more and more, I must achieve it" Theseus said and Amal nodded "I've noticed" she said and he asked "Noticed what?"
"That you've been worker harder," she smiled.
"You have?"
"Yes, and I believe you will be able to achieve whatever you desire because you are consistent, and you'll be an auror in no time" she reassured, her hand still holding onto his elbow, but both haven't noticed yet.
"Sk you too wish to be an auror?" he asked and she nodded.
"I have what it requires and it is interesting, I can easily be one here or even back home" she said.
"Back home?" he asked and she nodded.
"Yes, I could go to Saudi Arabia and become an auror there, I will be able to use my language there and be-"
"But will you lose touch with the people here?" he asked, as if he were worried she wouldn't talk to him any longer as soon as she left the country. But she could never do that, even is she tried.
"Of course not, no. How will I be able to go through my day without knowing I have you and Lana near me?"
He hummed at her reply and she spoke again, "Saying that I could go there, doesn't mean I will. No one knows, maybe if you're lucky I'll stay here" she smiled but he didn't, and her smile fell.
"And who decides that?" he asked, looking up and locking their eyes.
"Destiny," she said and his eyes were relaxed and she pulled him by his elbow with a smile he always found pleasing to look at, and then he glanced at her eyes, although he didn't say anything he wished for her to say something and she did, changing the topic "Come on, now dear Scamander. What about some cold butterbeer?".
And for the rest of their afternoon, neither of them dared to start the after school topic, instead, they talked more about what to expect during the year. They must keep their potions mark high, especially in Defense against the Dark Arts. And as time passed by, Theseus found himself wanting time to stop, to just hear her talking.


She spoke to Lana that night. But the difference was that, Lana was lying in the mattress near Amal's bed.
"How was the meeting?" Amal asked and Lana smiled so hard, her face lightened up.
"So," Lana began plopping on her elbows "my parents loved him, my father a bit less, but you know how he is, always overthinking while my mother smiled the whole time, they asked him questions and he answered them so adequately I thought I ass falling in love with him more and more. Oh, Amal how I love him. Do you believe he loves me just as much I love him?"

"Of course, Lala. I have no doubts."

"How did your meet up go?" asked Lana with a cheeky smile.
"Good, good" Amal said, and Lana's smile melted away as she raised her eyebrows "That is all you're going to say?".
Amal rolled her eyes and spoke again "I think I might have upsetted him. I told him that I could go back to Saudi and become and auror there and he changed".

"Why do you think it upsetted him? But will you?"
Amal chuckled and shrugged "It's a possibility, but I don't know why, if I want to be sincere, I too, would be a bit upset if my best friend had to leave the country".
Lana covered her face and let out a small groan.
"And guess what," Amal said, her lips curled gently.
"We wore the same colour" Lana galnced at Amal, whose eyes were shining and whose crooked teeth were showing.
"Oh, really?"


Amal had slept peacefully that night, even though she fell sleep after Lana had.
And when she closed her eyes, she began thinking about what would happen, despite her attempts to shut her mind down for a bit, Amal told herself that she could overthink later but she just wanted to sleep, even for a bit.

Then she would let her thoughts taunt her.

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