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Amal decided to stay a bit longer until it was dark outside.
She clutched her wand tightly and walked towards something she was uncertain of.
Whoever was committing these crimes, is a wizard or witch themselves, or they wouldn't know certain locations.
The air felt tight, the sky was dark and the only thing lighting the old streets of New York were the lamps, the moon was barely visible and the stats seemd to have been extincted.
She took deep breathes as she walked.
It was impossible not not admit that she held fear in her heart.
But she knew she'd help a lot of witches if she succeeded.
She was labeled as one of the best aurors in America, and highly respected.
But America did not rid her of her British accent, the one she had fought to achieve her whole life. She wouldn't have let go off of it so easily.
She stopped walking and looked inside her purse to find Clementine, she sighed knowing she did nor want to take her with her.
But could she do?
She then heard steps behind her, she raised her wand and turned quickly but soon realized who it was, Ilyana.
Her eyes widened as she walked towards the woman.
"What are you doing here?" Amal whispered.

"I couldn't just stay at home knowing you could be in danger, Amal. I'm coming with you," said Ilyana kindly, Amal sighed and asked "And if something happens to us, how will they know where we are?".
"Before I left I attached a piece of parchment with all the information on the MID door, so if we aren't present they'll go check and see the information but if we make it out alive, we will go to the office first and keep the information until we are certain" as Ilyana spoke Amal nodded her head at each point.
"That's smart, yalla" she whispered and both began walking towards their destination.
Both remained quiet but Amal's heels did not, she performed a speel that made the clicking sound vanish when they were presented in front of the building.
"There isn't any noise coming from it" Ilyana muttered confused and Amal blinked, "They might have performed the same spell I just did, just for a bigger object, if anything happens, you run and alert whomever you can, understand?" asked Amal and Ilyana nodded, her black veil threatened to fly away with the wind.
Amal placed her hands forward and spoke "You better tie your veil at the back until anyone's unable to grab you from it, turn around", Amal fixed her veil, tying it and tucking the ends down her coat, and both, with a steady heart, walked inside the building.
The door creaked and immediately they were welcomed by an immense cold breeze to their faces.
It was freezing.
And both shared a look of terror.
Amal noticed the stairs, that toom you up, or down.
Amal sighed to Ilyana, telling her to stay together and to be as quiet as possible. Both clutched their wands tightly, as the air felt weird, and more enchanted than ever.
Something contaminated the air, something that sent chills to Amal's spine, forcing her to stand straightly.
She put a foot forward and continued to do so with Ilyana behind her as both decided to go upstairs and then downstairs. Amal did not touch anything, not the railing, not the wall, nothing.
She muttered a lumos, and indicated Ilyana to not do the same, because it someone was here, a foreign light would catch their attanetion in no time.
But as they reached the top, Amal pressed her ear to the first of the two doors, she did not hear anything so she opened it, peeking in and notice the blood stain on the floor, and that there were no windows, even though, they were present on the outside of the building. Both turned around and Amal once again pressed her ear to the second door, but this time, there were no stains.
There were wands and clothes. Amal's breath got caught in the middle of her throat and she glanced at Ilyana who had a horrified look on her face.
Amal's light from the wands died and she decided against doing anything else until she entered the room and Ilyana followed shutting the door behind them silently.

Both now muttered a lumos, grantkng light to the darkened room, filled with shadows of those who lost their lives.
Amal kneeled over the pile of clothes and examined them, she stood back up and shared a look with her friend.
"What do we do?"
"We leave."

Both walked silent outside and made their way down the stairs, and both felt relief when they saw the door, and when Amal placed her hand on the door knob to twist it and open the door, it refused to open. Ilyana began to panic and Amal regulated her emotions and tried to remain calm, but the shadows have engulped them before they knew it, and with a high pitched scream, both reached the next destination.


Her body begged for rest. She couldn't understand from where the pain came from, she did not understand why her body ached with desperation for a break, and yet she tried to move but a rush of pain ran through her spine causing her to groan in pain. She could not open her eyes and she did not know whether she was scared to do so or if she was still unconscious.
Every small movement was a struggle.
Amal took a deep breath in, she felt her chest raise and then fall, she was alive.
The last thing she remembered was being welcomed but utter darkness from which she failed to escape from.
The thought rushed through her mind as she recalled being in the building, but was she still there she did not know and she was desperate to posses the knowledge of where she was located at the moment. She had two guesses, still in the building or the new location.

She tried to flutter her eyes open but failed, she tried to cover her face with her hands but the feeling of being tied made her eyes fly open.
She quickly turned her head inky to find her arms tied in chains behind her, she tried to pull at them but only created loud noises, and she immediately stopped.
She could not let go of herself, she couldn't lose herself, not at times like this.
She took a sharp breath in, and she did feel her eyes sting and realized how many times she had wasted tears on things she'd soon leave in the past.
So, she convinced herself she'd leave this place, wherever she was, she would leave.
Wherever she was, they would find her.
She looked around just then, she noticed bars instead of a window, that let the moonlight in.
She looked a bit more to fine a chair and a door, a wooden door.
The floor was cold and only then did she realize they left her in her undergarments, she thought about how they couldn't disrespect her more than this.
She slowly looked down at her legs spread before her, with lines carved.
"Now it explains the burning feeling" she muttered to herself.

Her mind then drifted to Ilyana and as soon as she thought of her name she straightened her back and looked around only to find the objects she saw before, no Ilyana.
She felt a pang of guilt and regret hit her in the chest. If Ilyana died, Amal would not be able to forgive herself. Even if Ilyana insisted, Amal would feel reponsabile.

When Amal heard the door creak open, she pulled her legs up and covered herself, covered what she could.
And since there was not much light, the man who stepped inside the room and shut the door close behind him, was not visible to her. But by the way his body was shaped, and by the way his hair was styled, she figured it was a man. But even if she was not to see this, these crimes could only be brought by a man's hands.
"I finally got to you, Miss Qamar, right?" the man asked as he stood in the shadows.
"I got to you first" she said sternly causing him to laugh out loud like a rich man, he pressed his hand over his chest and the waved it in from of him. He walked away, but only to grab the chair and sit in the shadows.
"You've always been like this, haven't you?"
"What do you want?" she asked but received no answer as he spoke again.
"Yes you have" he muttered.
"What is it that you long for, by taking these women's lives? Do you feel proud? Do you feel more of a wizard? Because you are not. You believe that by killing all these women, you will free America of foreigners? Or is there something so unbearable of us that you are vexed by?" she spat, and he sat there, quietly.
"You will pay for your crimes. Do not believe that by taking me here they will not find me and Ilyana and the other women you might have here, because they will. What is it that you do to these women before you shred them into pieces, huh?" she raised her voice as she let her rage out and continued to yell.
"Do you enjoy it? Do you enjoy leaving pieces of them as proof of what you have done?! Only a man is capable of doing such atrocities to women! You should be ashamed of who you are!" and not once did her voice crack.

"You sound so convinced, you know I am quite surprised. That disgusting accent of yours vanished, took you long enough, Amal" he said and yelled the crucio spell.

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