Irene's POV
It's almost midnight already and I heard a knock on my door. I got up and walk over to it, thinking it might be Yeri since she already told me about the surprise for Sooyoung. When I opened, I wished I can closed it back again.
"Stop calling me that Seulgi. I don't want to be asked about it by them." I said and just ignore what I'm already feeling, yet again.
I went out of my room and close the door behind me. I avoided looking and walk passed her.
When I reach the dining Yerim and Wendy are there already, preparing the cake.
I walk next to Yerim. She had this teasing smile, I glared at her in return.
"Aren't you suppose to be the one knocking on my door?"
"Unnie, I'm being a bridge for you two. I can feel it, there will be something." I took a deep breath.
"Stop it Kim Yerim. What ever you're planning stop it. I'm begging you." I plead. I know Yeri can be presistent sometimes.
I didn't plan this. I already chose to avoid it. I'm not doing it again, even if I want to.
"Is there something wrong with Seulgi unnie?" Yeri look at me in a confused way. I shook my head.
"I-i just... It's not possible Kim Yerim, it's really not. So, please stop." I said to her. Maybe me pleading for the first time, about something, would make her stop.
I recieved no reply anymore. Next thing happened was the surprise for Sooyoung. It was nothing more than a little greeting and a cake in hand,as the first few minutes of her birthday came. After all that we went back to our respective rooms and rest for tomorrow.
The following day thee planned a lot of activities and later on, a dinner along with Sooyoung's family.
We're having a tour in the island. Not gonna lie, I don't want to go. I don't want a tour in a place, that will just make me remember things.
"Hop up now unnie." Sooyoung said. I went in the van. This is for Sooyoung, you're not--
"Hmm..." I look up to the person beside me, I just realized who I'm sitting with now. I look back and I saw Yerim sitting alone at the back. I look over to her again. She offering me this watermelon drink, which I accepted. If I'll keep on distancing, Yeri already been curious as she is.
"Thank you." I said to her.
"Unnie do we really have to go ziplining?" Yeri said that made me shocked.
"ZIPLINING?!" I look to the front, where Sooyoung is.
"Unnie chill! We will not be forcing you to ride one. I know you're scared of heights." She said to me.
"Well, actually she's scared of everything in your itinerary." Yeri spoke.
"Wendy added the Kayak and Ziplining, not me." Joy said.
"It's Seulgi who suggested it." Wendy said, defending herself from her girlfriend. I look at the person beside me.
"You just lost points there Seulgi unnie." Yeri said, chuckling. There she goes again. "Joohyun unnie's afraid of heights and sea water." I recieved a questioning look from Seulgi.
"But you were not anymore..." She said in a whisper. "We--"
"Only at that time, Seulgi." I made sure only she can hear that too. I then look back at Sooyoung. "It's okay. As long as you get to enjoy your day, Sooyoungah. I also know you like these stuffs. Don't let me ruin this, it's your day. Don't worry about me."
"Thank you unnie." She said.
Well, guess what? The whole day was just like visiting old memories that I avoided remembering in the past years. Nice!
They went on ziplining and I refused to go with them, along with Yeri. We just both waited for them. We also visit lots of tourist spots and took pictures.
The last in the itinerary was doing Kayak. We've already arrived. They're all excited.
"Finally! An activity I participate in!" Yerim, wearing her life vest. I just watch her and smiled. She still acts like a kid sometimes.
"Hey." I turn to look at the person behind. She's handing me a life vest. I blinked a few times, looking at it and her. "Let's do it again?" After she said that I feel... I don't know.
"Seulgi unnie! I told you she's afraid of sea water." Yerim shouted. She's a little too far from where we are, since she's about to ride a kayak already.
When I look over to Seulgi, she's just staring and waiting for me to accept the life vest.
"What are you doing?" I asked her in a warning. I look over to the others and they paddled away already.
"We already did this before. You already overcome your fear in--"
"It's been years already!" I raised my voice a little this time. "And that was only one time Seulgi! One time!" I stared up to her. I don't know if I should be angry at what she's doing or should I beg her to stop bringing up the past already.
"But you already did it." She strongly said. "Why can't you do it again?" I took a deep breath before turning away from her, to look at the others.
"You should go. The others are waiting for you already." Which is true. They're already calling for her.
"How long are you going to keep ignoring and hiding the past?" She asked.
"This is just for a short period of time, Seulgi. After Sooyoung's birthday, everything will go back to the way it was. We really don't have to dig deep in to the past--"
"Easy for you say. It was not you who got left behind. I need.."
"Seulgi unnnie!!!! Come nooow! Joohyun unnie's never gonna agree on that!" We heard Yeri shouted. I let out a deep sigh. Another save from Kim Yerim yet again.
"You should go." I said. I side eyed and watched her went up and follow the others.
I watched her paddle her way to them.
"It's better this way, Seulgi. It's what's best."

Hi Stranger? | Seulrene
FanfictionHi Stranger? A story of meeting a person that gives off so much connection.