Chapter XXVIII

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Irene's POV

Yerim needed to go back to Boston to meet those producers who took interests in my works. It's just better to talk about that matter in person, even though we've already decided never to do it.

As for Wendy and Sooyoung they are staying for a few more days before flying back for work.

My daughter has always been spending more time with the two than me. I already notice how she loves being with Wendy. She's been asking questions about Wendy's roles she has already done in plays.

"Looks like Selene already taking interest in to acting." Sooyoung said.

"I mean, your girlfriend's a good role model." I glimpse over to where Wendy and Seulgi are. They are playing a video game with Selene. "If I were introduced  to a person like her too, there will only be two things happening." I said.

"And what is that?" She curiously asks

"Wanting to be like her or..." let's see how you will react. "be with her." I saw how Sooyoung's expression change.

"If I didn't know you're with Seulgi unnie I would've killed you already." I laugh at that. "So this is how you really are unnie." I pause.

"I was just kidding..."

"You're like this when your happy." She look over where the three are again. "And that's how Seulgi unnie is, when she's happy. I wished I had known your connection sooner." I smiled.

"We're already here now. It doesn't matter anymore if the truth came out earlier or a little later than it did."

"That's true." I chuckled.

"It's still funny to me how close you are with Seulgi tho." I said.

If I knew that from the start? I don't know if I would've stayed close with her, at that time.

"Right? And still I didn't know about you two. Both of you are good at keeping secrets, specially you unnie. I can't believe you were able to hide Selene from us." I look down and started plating the food we were cooking.

"I can't believe it too." I said, feeling regretful at that fact.

"But I understamd where you were coming from and why you did it. I would've done the same if I was in your position." She said that made me scoff.

"Don't say that." We went and serve the food and took a seat already.

"It's a good thing you have Seulgi unnie now. Trust her, unnie. I promise you, she can protect both Selene and you."

"I know that, Sooyoung." I said.

"Unnie." She called seriously. I look up to here. "When... you know..." she seemed hesitant if she should ask what's in her mind or not.

"It's okay Sooyoung. Go ahead, say it." I assured, for her to be more comfortable to ask.

"When you knew you were pregnant with Selene... Did you think Seulgi unnie would've accept her, if you have told her then?" Oh.

"Honestly? I--" I was about to answer already but someone did it first.

"I would've." Sooyoung and I look to her direction.

She's carrying Selene in her back. Selene was just staring at all of us, curiously.

"You know I would have." I met Seulgi's eyes as she firmly said that. I smiled at her.

"I know that love." I said to her and then look at Sooyoung. "What she said." Sooyoung laughs.

"You two are unbelievable." She just shook her head and started to eat already. "Selene. Come sit next to Auntie." She softly called for my daughter and tapped on the seat next to her.

"Mommy put me down." Selene said to Seulgi. After, she run to her Auntie's side and sat next to her. Wendy followed and took the seat beside Sooyoung too.

"Auntie, I defeated Mommy in the game again." She proudly look up so Sooyoung. "When can I have my prize?"

"Oh Sele..." Sooyoung paused and face Seulgi with an apologetic smile.

"Yaaah!" As expected. "You don't do that to a beginner. That's why she's giving me no mercy!"

"Unnie, the game is so easy. I can't believe you still failed to win over your daughter." Sooyoung's now chuckling as she said that.

"That's enough. Let's eat now." I said to them.

"Hyun, can I talk to you after this?" Seulgi whispered beside me.

When I face her, she looks serious now. I give her a nodd.

After dinner Seulgi asked Sooyoung and Wendy to take Selene to upstairs already.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I leaned over the counter as I watched her doing the dishes.

"What do you think of living here..." She asks. "for good?"

What do I think? Of course I love it because she's here... but it's still not safe.

"I know you have a life there already. I'm not forcing you here. I just want to know what you think about it." She explained. She's being careful with this.

"Do you want me here?" I asked. Honestly? I don't know anymore.

She face me instantly when she heard that.

"You know I do." I smiled at her. "But I don't want to pressure you."

"What if I want you to do exactly that?"


"Ask me to live with you." I guess she wasn't expecting that.

"Will you be down for it?"

"It depends..." I saw her remove her gloves. "How are you going to convince me?"

I'm done being scared now. I want to make up for the time that we wasted already.

Next thing I know she's in front of me already, removing her apron. She went closer than she already is.

I can only smile at the way she's moving now. She leaned over to my ear.

"I love you, I still do, and I always will." She whispered in my ear. "I know a part of you is still scared, but like I always say... I'll protect you in every way that I can, you and our daughter." I felt her kiss my cheek. I reach for hers.

"That's sweet." She look at me. "But I want more than those words." She smiled widely and lean her face closer to mine.

"Name it." She said.

"Your money." I said when her lips is less and inch closer to mine already. She stops on her tracks that made me smile more. "I'm kidding." I said to her. "Now kiss me please." I snaked my hand on her shoulder and pulled her in to me.

Next thing I know I was sitting on the counter top already, she's between my legs, while making out.

I felt her hand on my bare waist already when a phone starts ringing that made us pull away.

We look at each other while catching our breaths. I look around the kitchen. We're still in the kitchen...

"We shouldn't be doing things here. Selene might see us." She nodded.

I reach for the phone that's ringing. It was hers.

"It's Wonwoo." I said and give her the phone. She answered it.

"Won--" she was cut off. Next second she look at me with an unreadable expression.

"Love what is it?" I asked her. She give me an assuring smile.

"Great job Wonwoo." She said. "Let's just talk tomorrow... Yes, I will definitely tell her... Thank you." She then ended the call.

"What did he say?"

"They already got him, Hyun." She reach for my face. "We don't need to worry now."

When it all sinked in to me already, I sighed.

"Will it be really over now?" I asked her.

"I'll make sure of that."

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