Chapter XXIII

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Irene's POV

I just arrived in Seoul and we're already on the way to the hospital.

"How is she Auntie?"

"I haven't really seen her yet." I look over to her. "Her parents called for me at the hospital. I have a bad feeling about it."

"What do you mean?" I asked. She then explain to me what has been happeming between there family now.

"With Seulgi's situation now, I hope I'm wrong... that I think they're going to take advantage of it, to get what they want." I look at her.

"Do you really think they'll do that to her?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." She then take a glimpse at me. "That's why you're here." Huh? "To prevent something like that from happening."

"Auntie, what can I even do? As far as I remember most of her family members hated me. I don't even know how I can face them now." No, cause it's true. I'm hell'a nervous to see them again.

"Then why did you come when I asked you to?"

"I want to see Seulgi." That's the main reason why I'm really here.

"What if I told you, you're Seulgi's legal guardian? That you have right to oppose or to agree with everything they want to ask from Seulgi now."

"You're joking." I said to her. "How can that happen when she still has her parents---"

"I've met with Seulgi the 3 days ago. The change of guardianship had already been approved by the court, just yesterday. So technically, you're her guardian now."

"Does her family know about this?" I asked. She stopped the car and face me.

"Not yet."


"Listen to me Joohyun. Keep your head up. Don't let their words get to you. You're here for Seulgi and not anyone else." She said. I just nodded as a response. "Let's go?"

We then went out of the car and went inside the hospital. Not gonna lie, I'm scared. Seulgi doesn't remember me and if I were to say there now that I'm her legal guardian, instead of her parents... I can't even imagine what she'll say.

While Auntie is still asking for the room, I look around the hospital.

"Joohyun." I look at Auntie. She then signaled me to follow her and I did.

We both stopped when someone screamed. I look behind and a patient is on her knees and holding her head. Looks like she's screaming in pain. But why does she sounds familiar? I can't see her face since she's looking down.

I was suppose to look at her more but Auntie already called for me. Stop distracting yourself with other things Joohyun!

After an elevator ride and a little walk we arrived. Auntie knocked. I took a deep breath before looking up.

I saw the shocked face of the person standing behind the door, when he saw me.

"What is she doing here?" He pointed at me while facing Auntie. Just keep your head up Joohyun! "Why did you bring this woman here? She needs to leave before Seulgi arrives." He wanted to get to me but Auntie blocked him. Seulgi arrives? Why? Where is she?

"You want to talk about Seulgi, then it's just right that she's her now." I saw the confused look in Seulgi's father's face.

Before he can ask more, nurses arrived and I saw Seulgi in a bed unconscious. We made way for them to enter the room.

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