Chapter XXIX

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4 months later...

Seulgi's POV

"Did you send your last set of photos already unnie?" Yeji asked. "Rei unnie have been asking me for those. Your exhibit will be in less than a month now. She needs those already."

"I don't think I found the right ones yet." I said.

"Ugh! Why am I even the one worrying about your exhibit?" She said to herself. "I'll head out now, I still have practice" She got her bag and walk out of my office without even giving me a chance to respond to her.

I heard a knock on my office door a few minutes later after Yeji left. My secretary slowly entered.

"Sorry to disturb you, Chairman Kang."

"It's okay. What is it?" I look up to her.

"Miss Tiffany Young wants to..." I didn't let her finish anymore when I heard the name.

"Let her in." She nod before she left the room.

"Are you still giving enough time for your family, Seulgi?" She said as soon as she entered.

I stand up from my chair and greeted her and Tae unnie.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I asked.

"We miss Selene." I chuckled.

"Don't tell me you flew all the way here, just to see her again?"

"Yes." Tiffany unnie said.

I still can't believe their love for that kid. There was even one time they borrowed the her for a few days and travel with her.

"Why don't you two have kids of your own already?" I asked them.

"Don't gatekeep Selene from us Kang Seulgi!" Tiffany unnie said that startled me a little. I saw Tae unnie calmed her down and mouthed 'Sorry' at me.

"She's pregnant." Tae unnie said that made me shock.

"Oh wow." That explains it. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. Now can we see your daughter?" I laugh and nodded.

"She's at home with Joohyun. You could've gone straight there."

"I wanted to see you too." Tiffany unnie said, shyly.

"That's funny." I said. I look at the clock before I picking up the things I need "You already know where our house is. I still have a meeting to attend to. So if you'll excuse me..." I went over to unnie and reach for her tummy.

"Let me steal her or him, at any time that I want to, as well." I said looking at unnie. I then recieve a smack in the head.

"Head to your meeting already." She said to me. I rub my head and bid goodbye to them.

After a whole day spent in the office I went home already.

"Hyun?" I called. Her car is outside so she's just here.

"Love, in the kitchen." I heard her voice respond. I put down my things down at the living room and went to her.

I expect her to be with Selene but she's alone, cooking.

"When will they return her?" She giggled at what I said.

I walk over to her and give her a kiss in her cheek.

"Don't word it out like that." She said. I backhug her an rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I planned a trip for us three, tomorrow." She look at me.

"You should've told me about it." She said. "They asked for five days Seul. You know how much Selene loves them."

"I know. It was about to be a surprise. I guess it's just going to be us for now."

"We'll still go?" She turn to face me fully.

"Of course. I already cleared my schedule for this." I leaned in and kiss her. I felt her smile and then pushed me a little.


"Jeju." I said that made her smile even more, if that's still possible.

"They are in Jeju." I look at her confused.


"Unnie took Selene to Jeju." Oh. "We can just join them if..."

"No!" I reacted almost immediately that she's staring at me now with curiosity. She squint her eyes.

"What are planning?"

"Secret.I don't want anyone else to know about this." I hope she will not ask anymore. I look over to what she was cooking and let go of her. "What did you make?"

"You're not good at changing the subject Kang Seulgi." She give her focus back to the food. "But I'll let it go for now."

I went in and kiss her cheek again.

"I love you."

"Did you do anything that would somehow upset me?" She asked.

"I act like this all the time love." I whined. She laugh at what I said.

"I'm just teasing you love. Let's eat." She walk passed me with the food she cooked.

We ate our dinner. She told me about how excited Selene was earlier in seeing and being with the two again.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" She asks.

"At noon." She nodded. By the looks of it, there's something she wants to say.

"Seulgi..." I look up to her. She seemed serious. "There's actually something I need to talk to you about."

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" I asked her jokingly, but I only recieve a serious look from her that made me nervous.

"Never." She said that just made me feel at ease.

"What is it you want to talk about?" It's enough teasing now.

"I need to go back to Boston." Huh?

"Like visit?"

"Sort of?" She said. "My new book will soon be out. I need to watch over the publishing, myself. There will also be more things to do there already. I can't have Yeri take care of it all. It'll only be for a few months love. I will come back as soon as it's not that heavy for Ye..."

"Months?" I slipped that made her stop talking and look at me.

"Is it not okay?" She hesitantly asked.

"Oh! No! It's fine!" I panicked. I don't want her to think that I'll hold her back. "You can go."

"Are you sure?" I give her an assuring smile and nodded.

"It's work and I know how important it is to you. Selene and I can visit you there whenever we miss you." 

"About that... I'll be bringing Selene with me." What? "You're always at the office during the day. No one can keep an eye on her here. Yeri's there, I can ask..." she stopped talking. "Love..."

"I can make time for her." Before she can even speak again, I've made some points already. "Wonwoo and Yeji are here too. They can help me take care of her."  Next thing I heard is her giggle.

"Fine. She can stay, if she wants to." She said. "After the trip, let's ask her."

"When do you plan to leave?"

"After Jeju." Oh!

She's going to miss my exhibit if I won't say it to her now.

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