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In the Crystal Brighthouse, at nighttime, the mares that lived there were sleeping peacefully on their respective beds. Well, all of them but one, that is.

Sunset Shimmer could not find peace, as she rolled from one side of her bed to the other, as her mind flashed and showed scenes from her most recent adventure, one that could actually send her across the entire multiverse...

"You heard me when I told you lying makes you a terrible friend... And you still lied to me..."

Sunset growled in her dream, as Sonic's words echoed in her mind and reminded her of the events that happened at the Secret Society's HQ.


Sonic started to stand up, while the train kept moving upwards.

However, when Sonic looked back at both Boom and Sunset, he did it with a frown, and Sunset's smile faded away after hearing this. "You don't deserve any friends, Sunset. Not if you're gonna lie to them like this..."

Back in the bedroom, Sunset growled and shook her head, as she rolled to the other side and muttered. "No..." In her sleep.

"I've been kicked out of the Society, so if you think I'm here to capture you or Sonic, then you're wrong."

After she said this, Sunny's rage suddenly wiped away, and she stared with wide eyes at Sunset. "...I'm sorry what?" She asked confused, and now that she had calmed down, her friends and boyfriend decided to let her go.

"What you heard!" Sunset replied with a little smile. "I tried to talk FS on testing out if breaking Canon could really threaten the universe... Look where that led me..."

"Listen: I don't forgive you" Sunny started with a frown. "It's gonna take a while before I can say that I trust you... but I will accept your help to stop Opaline and rescue Sonic. After all, we don't have watches like yours..."

"I'll make sure I can amend my mistake, Sunny" Sunset assured with a determinate look. "I don't care if you don't trust me, or if you don't forgive me yet, I will do my best to make sure Sonic's back safe!"

This time, Sunset muttered nothing, she simply limited herself to roll on her place again.

"I... I'm really sorry for not telling you everything. You simply couldn't expect me to say 'Hey, you're a mistake!' and call it a day, though..." Sunset pointed out with an awkward chuckle, before sighing again and looking back and forth between Sonic and Sunny. "I'm sorry for everything. Neither of you deserved all of this crap..."

Sunset looked away from Sonic, already accepting that he probably was going to yell at her in anger... Big was her surprise when Sonic extended his hand to her and smiled. She looked up at him and felt even more surprised when she saw no signs of anger or hate in his eyes.

"I'm not a guy that holds a grudge against anyone, no matter who they are..." Sonic said with joy, surprising Sunset even more. "You screw it up big time... So? Is not like your life has no meaning now that we're on the same side!"

"...Y-You're... forgiving me?!" Sunset asked with wide eyes and disbelief. "B-But why?!"

"You formed this whole-ass operation to get me out of that cage in the HQ, and you even went as far as to warn my friends about FS!" Sonic pointed out with a smile. "I'm still upset you lied to me... But your actions to make up for your mess speak volumes of who you are, Sunset. And in my book? That's a really good start. So, while I cannot forgive you at 100%, I'll say we're in good terms now!"

"Sonic can barely stand--" Tails tried to argue, but Sonic placed a hand on his chest, right over his X scar.

"I appreciate that you guys worry for me," Sonic said with a smile. "But there's a job that has to be done. Like I said back in Eggman's place: if I die, I die. This is bigger than me than any of us."

My Little Pony Sunset G5: Tell Your Tale Season 2Where stories live. Discover now