Chapter 13: The Return of Twilight Sparkle

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset was in the basement while she was carefully wearing goggles while also working on something that was under a bedsheet as she sighed. "Okay, so far, I'm doing alright." She said as she then gave a thoughtful expression before she levitated the spellbook she and Sunny founded in the restricted archives in Canterlot. "Am I?" She asked as she double checked. "Yes, I am."

Just then, from the doorway, there was a shadow as it slowly approached Sunset while she was working, "Come on focus, Sunset. This isn't difficult, you're just about to break all the Known laws of life and Death to do something morally questionable on all angels," Sunset told herself as the shadow got closer, and closer, "Still, why does it feel like I'm not making any progress on-YARGH!" She yelped, feeling something jump on her back as she turned and gaped as she saw.

"Sparky?" Sunset said in surprise as the baby dragon gurgled at her happily. "What are you doing down here? And didn't I lock the door upstairs?" She questioned as the baby dragon giggled and patted her muzzle as she then giggled as well. "Okay. It's cute, but still. Who opened the basement door?"

"You know you're not the only one who lives here, Sunset." Zipp's voice spoke up as Sunset turned and saw the rest of her friends by the doorway. "We all have keys to every room in the Brighthouse." Zipp said with an amused smile while twirling the keys in one of her wing tips.

"What are you doing here?" Sunset asked her friends.

"You locked yourself down here for days now," Pipp said, crunchling her nose, "Seriously, it smells like a swamp down here."

"Yeah, and something tells me you haven't had something to eat or drink." Sunny said with a concerned look as she brought in some sandwiches and a smoothie. "But a shower wouldn't hurt either." She added while covering her nose with a slight chuckle.

Sunset raised a brow as she sniffed under her hooves while Sparky did next as he then gagged. "Huh, I guess I did it again." She said.

"Again?" Misty asked in confusion. "This kind of thing happened before?"

"Well, whenever I get overworked or on a breakthrough with something, I isolate myself for days to figure out the answer to it." Sunset explained with a shrug.

"Yeah, we seriously need to talk about that later." Hitch said with a grossed out expression.

Sunny then placed the sandwich and smoothie down. "Sunset, we're worried about you. Whenever you're on break from the smoothie stand or when we have enough free time when there's no problem or adventure, you come down here ever since we got back from Canterlot." She stated.

"Even I wouldn't be doing something with my Unicycling for that long." Izzy commented.

Sunset then took off her goggles as she sighed. "Sorry, ponies. But I'm this close to something. I think I nearly cracked it." She said as she levitated the sandwich and started eating it.

"What are you talking about?" Zipp asked before they then noticed a body size tarp covering something. "And what's behind the sheets?"

"Yeah, because it's like you went all Frankenstallion mad science there." Pipp commented before she squealed. "Are you making a Frankenpony?! Because that would be spooky and great for my ponygram!" She called in excitement.

"Uh, that's scary." Misty said nervously as Pipp flew towards the sheets.

"Wait, Pipp! It's not exactly--" Sunset tried to say before Pipp remove the sheets, but as she gasped, she raised a brow at what she saw, which happened to be posable ponnequin that is life size.

"Aw. No monster?" Pipp asked in disappointment.

"Uh, is that a ponnequin? Because if that's what you're doing for days, you seriously need to find a job since you're good at fashion designing!" Izzy said with a cheerful smile.

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