Chapter 2 Heavy is the Mane that Wears the Fruit Crown

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy tossed some necklace in the air as she caught it in her horn, wearing a bunch of them around her and a bandana on her head and on her hind legs.

Zipp puts on some goggles, a yellow color, and a cape with blue stars on her with her hooficure rainbow streak.

Hitch flips his mane as he is wearing a purple scarf with stars and Sparky lands on his head wearing a bucket with feathers and a seashell on it before Hitch puts on his Sheriff hat, with seashells on it as well.

Sunny came rolling in on her rollerskates, with her mane done in curls as she stopped and summoned her Alicorn form as she did a pose.

Sunset flew in the air as she got her mane done in a ponytail and with curls on the side as she was wearing a necklace with her Cutie Mark on it.

Pipp looked at her friends with a smile. “As this year's Maretime Bay Carnival Queen, I just want to say that you all look, like, totally chic!” She exclaimed as she jumped back as the group took a pose together with smiles.

Misty then came up to the group wearing yellow sunglasses while holding a basket with beach supplies as she looked at her friends in confusion. “Um, aren't you ponies a little dressed up for the beach?” She asked them with a giggle.

The rest of the Mane 7 looked at her in confusion. “The beach?” Pipp asked with a brow before she gave a laugh as she walked up to Misty and took off her sunglasses. “Misty, be serious, okay? Come on, get dressed.” She said with a smile as she walked off.

“Dressed? For what?” Misty asked in confusion before Izzy came up next to her with sparkles in her eyes.

“Well, it's Carnival, Misty!” Izzy answered cheerfully with a wave of her hoof. “And you can wear anything you want! The wilder, the better!” She explained with sparkles still in her eyes.

“It’s a tradition we do for fun,” Sunset explained with a smile. “And we dress as wild as we could be.” She added.

Misty eyes widen in realization. “Oh, no! That's today?” She asked, totally forgotten about that holiday.

Sunset gave a chuckle. “Don't feel too bad. I got so caught up in working on, you know, the project, that I almost forgot that Carnival was today too if Sunny hadn’t reminded me." She said while giving a wink to let Misty know that she’d been busy working on the spell to bring Twilight back, she almost forgot about the Carnival if Sunny hadn’t reminded her.

“Yeah. It happens to all of us.” Sunny assured Misty with a smile. “So you can still get ready for it.”

“But I don't have anything to wear!” Misty said sadly as she looked down, not noticing the magic rainbows around her, which she quickly noticed as the magic rainbows circled around Misty, lifting her up as she yelped and then giggled as her friends watched on with smiles.

Misty floated around as the magic rainbows changed her look, her mane was now tied in two buns with some yellow bracelet on them, and on her tail while wearing a sparkling coat, and her hooves were made in a butterfly hooficure as she was gently levitated down.

Misty looked at her new look as she trotted around and did a pose. “Whoo!” She cheered.

Sunset chuckled. “Well, now you do, Misty. Magic sure has evolved further after two years. And it did you a favor too.” She said.

“It sure did!” Misty said happily.

Pipp then looked at her phone as she squealed and giggled. “My costume's almost here!” She exclaimed excitedly as she spun around with sparkles in her eyes.

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