Chapter 4: Jazz Hearts Rocky

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In Mane Melody, Jazz is doing somepony's mane, but while she is smiling with a blush on her cheeks as her eyes start sparkling, which Pipp noticed as she twirled behind Jazz. "I think somepony's got a cruuuuush~!" She sanged with sparkles in her eyes while Jazz flinched.

Jazz turned to Pipp with a nervous smile while sweating a bit. "Who, me? Ha! It's not like that!" She denied.

"Uh, Jazz." Sunset's voice spoke up, which caused Jazz to look and saw Sunset raise a brow while sitting on her seat while pointing at Sunny. "I think it's an obvious sign." She said, showing Sunny's mane is now in a heart shape.

"Aah!" Jazz called with a yelp as she tossed her brush away, giving a sheepish smirk at Sunny for her mistake while Sunny looked on in confusion.

"I agree with Sunset, Jazz. I think we have a hint." Sunny said confusion while gesturing to her mane.

Jazz gave a sheepish chuckle while Pipp kept watching with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. Jazz then looked through the heart-shaped mane of Sunny's as she blushed again and had sparkles in her eyes at what she was seeing.

Sunset raised a brow at Jazz as she got up. "Who are you even looking at, Jazz?" She asked with a brow before looking through Sunny's mane where Jazz's gaze is and her eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing through Sunny's heart shape mane is Rocky, who is spraying Flare's mane with mane-spray as he gave a small smile while Jazz kept looking at him as heart-shapes formed in her eyes as she gave a warm smile with a hoof to her cheeks.

"Oh, I see." Sunset said with a smirk at Jazz.

Pipp then came up next to Jazz with a smirk as she scoffed. "Sure you don't, Jazz!" She teased with a wink while Jazz looked embarrassed.

"Heheh, like how you were with Hitch, Sunny." Sunset chuckled while Sunny blushed in embarrassment.

"Uh, yeah. Kinda." Sunny sheepishly said.

A little bit later, Jazz is puffing Posey's face as her cheeks have heart-shaped makeup while Jazz still blushed with sparkles in her eyes.

(Your Number One Song)

Let me tell you 'bout the sweetest guy
Every time I see him, I get butterflies

Jazz sang while looking at Rocky, who was still mane-spraying to an elder unicorn mare while feeling entranced by him, but she was so distracted by Rocky, that she didn't notice she puffed Posey too much until she noticed it and saw Posey stuck in a heart-shaped powered, which said Earth Pony glaring at Jazz hatefully while the stylish flinched.

He's got a certain charm, he's got a certain somethin'

A little bit later, Jazz and Rocky are now doing Misty and Izzy's hooves together by giving their signature hooficures, with Rocky doing Misty's while Jazz is doing Izzy's.

And when we are together, I don't worry 'bout nothin'

While doing their hooves, Jazz looked at Rocky, visioning hearts around him while Rocky kept his smile. Jazz looked at him warmly with a blush and heart in her eyes while she kept singing.

The way he trots into work, the way he swings his mane
The way his cutie mark sparkles makes me go insane

Jazz was so distracted by Rocky, she didn't notice that she painted Rocky's face with a wink on Izzy's hoof, which made Jazz eyes widen in panic. Izzy was about to look at her hooves but Jazz quickly pushed her hooves back down, but Izzy already saw them as she gave a teasing smirk at Jazz, who looked embarrassed.

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