Chapter 14: P + T + S + P = BFFS

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In the early morning, Sunset, Sunny, and Twilight were on the field while showing each other magic skills with Twilight taking notes on how Sunny handle her magic now personally that she have her body back as she listed out the skills Sunny have, which are magic shields, magic blasts, superspeed, controlling plants, levitation, and even other unique skills she have when she can transform into her Alicorn form and back.

"Wow. Sunny. I've seen you in action with Sunset in the past when I was in the amulet, but you have the skills of a true Alicorn." Twilight complimented as she wrote down her note with a smile.

"Thank you, Princess, I mean, Twilight!" Sunny giggled to herself. "Sorry, I'm still not used to the fact that you're actually here yet." She said sheepishly.

"That's okay. I still can't believe I was brought back. But I'm glad." Twilight said with a smile. "You know, I was dreaming of having a physical body again after we first defeated Opaline and the time before I was brought back into the amulet."

"You have?" Sunset asked with a surprised smile. "But I thought when you were locked inside the amulet when you decided to leave didn't--"

"Know what was going on?" Twilight finished with a smirk. "I know everything. I just couldn't do anything about it since I had no magic when I was a spirit inside the amulet."

"She got a point there." Sunny said with a smile as Sunset nodded in agreement. "So, how I do?"

"Well, you were certainly better than when I first started out as an Alicorn." Twilight said with a smile while showing some A's on Sunny's score of her training. "Even better to control those wings than mine. When I first started, I could hardly fly straight, let alone land or control my wings."

"Really? Huh, to me it was more instincts when Sunset and I first became Alicorns." Sunny said with a surprised look.

"Must've come with it when we first started out and took those flying lessons with Zipp." Sunset added with a chuckle.

"Like how I used to do with Rainbow for flying lessons. Crash a few times, but I eventually got the hang of it." Twilight said as the three mares giggled. "Though, it has been a long time since a bunch of fans crowded me. I was surprised everypony even knew my name in this new era of Equestria." She added.

"Yeah, that would be our fault." Sunset said with a sheepish smile.

"When magic first returned and thanks to Sunset's help, we managed to clear the true history of Equestria back into your legacy." Sunny said with a sheepish look. "You get used to the fans.

"Eh, I had before, I can handle them again. I hope." Twilight said with a sheepish smile. "Okay, that's enough training for now. I heard that we're going to some fairground today with the others?"

"Oh, right. The Boardtrot." Sunny said in realization.

"We're supposed to be in our sections today." Sunset said with a surprised look. "We better get ready for them. It's gonna be a crowded fun time at the funfair."

"I like the sound of that." Twilight said with a smile. "I hope I won't stand out."

"Twilight, these days in Equestria, nothing stands out anymore." Sunset said with a chuckle. "You can come over to my stand. It seems suited for your taste."

"I would like that." Twilight said with a nod. "Now let's go get the others." She said as she flew off to the Brighthouse as Sunny and Sunset watched with smiles.

"This is so much better than her being inside the amulet and as a spirit." Sunny commented as she activated her Alicorn form.

"You said it, sister." Sunset said in agreement as the two Alicorns flew off after Twilight to the Brighthouse.

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