Special 1: The Blockywockys

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, the sun is shining while pegasi snails are flying with the sun shining bright.

(Feel the Magic Song)

(Mane 7)
Come on, feel the magic
Come on, feel the magic

Zipp is at the top of the Brighthouse while looking at the view while tapping her hooves on the rails as she begins to sing.

Hey, hey, hey, what a perfect day
The sun is gettin' brighter and it's beamin' my way

Zipp sang as she flew out of a hole through the window the magic rainbow did before sealing it up before she flew off.

There's somethin' in the air, I can feel it in my hoof
So everypony, let's go, 'cause it's time to move

Zipp then flew into the bedroom as she flipped around in the air before she cheered. “Whoo-hoo! Everypony, rise and shine!” She called as she woke the girls up, while her sister Pipp covered herself in her blanket until Zipp went to Pipp’s and rubbed on the blanket. “Come on, sleepy head! Wake up! She called.

“ZIPP!” Pipp yelled as she got out of her blanket to reveal her mane was curled up, which she realized. “Ooh!” She then rushed to the mirror with a smile. “Did it work? Is my mane curly?” She asked before her mane shook and puffed up as the curls snapped off and her mane and tail were now puffy, she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes. “It’s a mane miracle!” She cheered with a twirl before she brought out her phone. “Check me out~” She sang as she faced her camera to take a selfie.

Zipp was then bouncing onto Misty’s bed, which bounced the unicorn up. “Whoa, whoa!” She called as she was now fully awake and then she began to laugh and got up as she started jumping on her bed next before Zipp flew off.

Zipp then flew up to Sunset’s bed, but before she could do anything, she was stopped by magic as Sunset came out of the bed with a smirk and her horn glowing. “Not this time, Zipp. I heard you singing from the rooftop.” She said.

“Clever.” Zipp said with a smirk as she was released from the magic. “I’ll get you next time.” She said as the two mares shared a chuckle and Zipp flew towards Sunny’s bed and tapped over the blanket.

Sunny stretched and yawned as she turned to Zipp with a smile as the pegasus flew off as she sighed fondly. “Who wants breakfast?” She asked as she flew up and summoned her Alicorn form and flew up.

“You know we are, Sunny!” Sunset called as she flew up next to Sunny and they shared a hooftap as they and the mares rushed off to the door.

But then Sunny realizes something is missing in the group. “Hang on.” She said as they skidded to a stop while Misty slid on the floor. “Somepony's missing.” She said as she and the mares looked around and saw one pony mare they knew was missing.

“Izzy!” The five mares called as they turned to Izzy, who was still sleeping in her bed with her mask on as she snored they huddled around her bed with smiles.

“Let's go, sleepyhead!” Sunny said with a smile.

“Breakfast time!” Pipp said with a smile and a wave of her hoof.

“Wakey-wakey, Unicorny Flakeys!” Misty added with a smile.

“It’s a new day, Izzy. And it’s time to embrace it!” Sunset added with a smile.

My Little Pony Sunset G5: Tell Your Tale Season 2Where stories live. Discover now