Chapter 10: Buried in a Good Book

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In the Brighthouse, the five ponies of the Mane 7 and Sparky are in the living room chatting to each other before a heptagon-shaped portal opened up from the hallway, which surprised them as they all saw Sunset walking out, completely exhausted with bruises and her tail a bit on fire as she muttered and groans in annoyance as she flopped onto the couch.

“Whoa! Sunset?! What happened?!” Sunny called in concern as Zipp flew in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire on Sunset’s tail.

“It looked like you got into a huge fight.” Hitch added after seeing Sunset’s condition.

“Oh, it wasn’t a fight, more like a training exercise test.” Sunset muttered with her face in the pillow.

“Uh, say what?” Pipp asked as Sunset turned her head to her friends.

“Apparently, the Society got a new recruit to train in, which I have to help train him, but he’s the most difficult one for me to deal with. More so than Sonic and his Sunny that one time.” Sunset groaned as she sighed. “The Society and I know he will do great things, but apparently it’s not an easy task. He’s a bit harder than the others.”

“Yikes. Kinda reminds me of when I had to deal with Sprout when his deputy sheriff job was too lazy and over his head.” Hitch said with a cringe look. “But it looks like you had it worse.”

“You have no idea.” Sunset muttered as she sighed. “At least I’m off duty for now. Because I’m beat.”

Just then, Misty rushed through the doors while levitating her spellbook. “Hey, ponies! You won’t believe my new spell I’m working on!” She called in excitement, which got her friends attention.

“Really? What’s that, Misty?” Sunset asked in interest.

“Check it out!” Misty said in excitement as she focused her magic as she placed her hoof on her chest as she twirls around. “Butterfly, flutter by!” She called as she raised her hoof as some magic formed around it gave off a tiny spark before a magical butterfly projection came out of her hoof and flew around, much to their amazement.

But then, the butterfly flew to her spellbook, which it got absorbed and started shaking and sparking up magic while the pages were flipping around, much to the Mane 7’s concern as magic dust came out of the book as they gasped before they started floating from the magic dust.

“Uh, oh! I take it back! I take it back!” Misty cried out in panic as the magic dust circled her as she and her friends started screaming before they all got pulled into the book as it closed and fell to the ground.

The Mane 7 all screamed while Sparky started laughing in excitement as they were all falling through a magic portal inside the book.

At the otherside of the portal, the Mane 7 and Sparky exited while they landed on top of each other as they groaned in pain while Sparky was on top of them while laughing in excitement. But each of them are wearing different costumes, Sunny is a wizard, Hitch is a frog prince, with just a cape, crown, and frog ears, Pipp is wearing some icicle jewelry while her hooficure is pure ice-white, Misty is wearing a bowtie with rabbit ears, Izzy is like part sea pony with her tail like a fin, earring a pearl necklace around her neck, she had some scales on her fur, and has a greenish fin on her back,Zipp is wearing a red hood, Sunset is reeling a reddish-yellow cloak around her white, gold and purple-colored robes that look like a mix of Celestia and Twilight's colors and a more elaborate crown than than the crown Hitch got, and Sparky is wearing a knight armor.

“Ugh, I hate it when something unexpected happens to us.” Sunset groaned.

“Uh, are we…” Zipp started as they got up and saw the landmark around them that is like something out of a fairy tale. “...Inside your spellbook?” She asked Misty in surprise before a tiny fairy with book wings and a golden armor and crown appeared between Zipp and Misty.

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