Chapter 3: Cake Dragon

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At the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy is now hopping on little dragon balloons, popping each one. "Ten!" She counted as she then popped a couple with her horn. "Eleven! Twelve!" She cheerfully counted with sparkles in her eyes as she then blew onto the next balloon, inflating it.

Hitch then came up to Izzy with a brow. "Uh, maybe we should leave blowing up balloons to somepony else?" He suggested with a small smile while taking the balloon from Izzy.

"Huh?" Izzy asked in confusion before realizing what Hitch meant as she smiled. "Oh, no, no, I'm playing 'Pop the Balloon'!" She explained cheerfully as she trotted off with giggles.

In the main room, the rest of the Mane 7 are setting up dragon party decorations with a banner of Sparky up, revealing that today is Sparky's Birthday today as each of the Mane 7 are doing their own setups, with Zipp and Pipp made cardboard cutouts of dragon wings that they place on their wings as they flew around while Sunny is with Misty with a picture of a dragon with Misty blindfolded, playing pinn the teeth on the dragon.

Misty moved her hoof holding the dragon teeth as she tried to get it in place while blindfolded, but was having trouble finding the spot while Sunny giggled, which made Misty lifted up her blindfold to take a peak.

Sunny quickly saw this. "Hey, no peeking, Misty." She said to her with a smile as Misty smiled back and place the blindfold back down and walked close to Sunny while trying to put the teeth on her. "Whoa! Aah! Okay, stop! Stop! Okay, you can peek! You can peek!" Sunny quickly said as she dodged Misty's attempt of putting the teeth on her as she quickly trotted off.

Sunset, who is wearing the same cutout dragon wings on her wings like Zipp and Pipp, was in the kitchen making some snacks while also making gem shard related snacks for Sparky while the rest is just regular snacks.

"There, snacks for regular ponies and dragons for Sparky's case ready and waiting," Sunset said with a smile.

Hitch then stood up on a stool then held up a drink glass as he tap it with his hoof as the glass clinked, which got the others attention. "Everypony, I'd like to say a few words." He said to them with a smile.

Izzy then appeared between Misty and Zipp while holding a dragon balloon. "SPEECH!" She called in a deep voice as she popped the balloon with her horn, which surprise Zipp while Misty gave a small smile at Izzy.

"Izzy, easy on those balloons. We don't have many." Sunset said in amusement.

"Sorry. They're just fun!" Izzy said cheerfully in her normal voice.

"We know." Sunset said as she turned back to Hitch. "Continue, Hitch."

Hitch was surprised by Izzy's balloon pop as he gave a small smile. "Uh..." He started with nervous chuckle. "Yeah." He said before he recompose himself and spoke up. "So, I really just wanted to thank you all for being here on Sparky's special day." He said to them as the mares smiled.

"It's Sparky's Birthday, Hitch. We wouldn't miss it in all of Equestria." Sunny said to her coltfriend with a smile.

"Yeah, that is true, Sunny." Hitch said with a smile looked around in confusion as he place a hoof to his chin, "Speaking of which, where is the dragon of the hour?" He asked them while looking around for Sparky.

They then heard rustling sounds in the popped dragon balloons as they turned and saw Sparky appearing from the pile with a laugh.

"Found him," Sunset said with a chuckle.

"Perfect timing." Hitch said with a smile as he turned to the mares. "All right. Bring in the cake!" He announced.

The mares turned to the door as Hitch's critters came in while dragging a giant stack of cake with a decorative of Sparky breathing his dragon fire around it as the critters fell to the floor in exhaustion.

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