Chapter 15: Looking Back, Moving Forward

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At the Crystal Brighthouse, Twilight was sitting on the couch reading a book with a bright smile, "Oh my babies, I was afraid we'd never be together again," Twilight said, hugging her precious book closely, "But I promise we will never be apart again,"

"Still reading that book you've been reading for the past couple of hours, Twi?" Sunset asked as Twilight flinched and turned to her with a chuckle.

"Can you blame me? I couldn't feel or smell them when I was a spirit in an amulet." Twilight said with a sheepish smile. "And I just love books."

"Yeah, your counterpart is the same." Sunset said with a chuckle. "So, how is your adjustment to this new Equestria?"

"Well, to be honest, it's so similar yet so different from how in my time it was." Twilight said while scratching her head. "Compared to how things used to be, Equestria is almost like the other world."

"Yeah, that's how I felt when I first came back to see everything has changed when I only came back to visit you, only to wound up in a quest to bring back magic and reunite the three tribes again." Sunset commented. "It's like Opaline's repeated history."

The two ponies laughed before the moment was broken by when a blur flew right into the room, startling them as they saw Zipp flying around. "Hey, Sunset! Hey, Twilight!" She called with a smile as she landed on her hooves.

"Hi, Zipp." Sunset said with an amusing smile.

"Do you have to fly in like that?" Twilight questioned after being startled.

"Sorry, it's just, now that you're out of the amulet I can finally ask you all the questions I ever had about Equestria's past," Zipp explained, bringing out her phone. "So, tell me about the Unity Crystals? How were they made? What was your history with Opaline?" She asked with an eager look.

"Uh..." Twilight muttered while looking around with an uncertain look.

"Zipp, ease up." Sunset said as she pushed Zipp and her phone back. "Don't try and pressure her like you did with Misty. Twilight still needs time to adjust to how Equestria is now."

"Yeah, besides Zipp," Pipp said, flying in and wrapping an arm around Twilight, "You had your turn yesterday, today Twilight is joining me for her mane styling," She stated before Sunny came in and pulled Twilight over to her.

"What, no! Twilight is supposed to help me with my alicorn training!" Sunny retorted.

"Hey, I was gonna show her my Unicycling skills!" Izzy called while showing her crafting sash.

"No way, Twilight has baby dragon experience, she should be helping me!" Hitch stated with Sparky on his back who gurgled happily.

The Mane 5 soon started arguing amongst themselves about who gets to hang out with Twilight as the purple alicorn and her old friend shared a nervous glance, "Any advice?" Twilight whispered to Sunset, knowing she had more experience with these kinds of situations.

"Find a good hiding place, I'll distract them," Sunset advised, knowing this was Twilight's only chance to get away while the others were arguing,

"Thanks," Twilight said before zipping off before somepony saw her while Sunset worked to break up the fight.

Twilight made it the bedrooms and locked the door to keep herself safe, "Phew," Twilight sighed, wiping her brow in relief, "Downside of having friends, they always want you for themselves," She said to herself.

"Um, Twilight?" Twilight yelped and turned to see Misty who gave a shy wave, "Um, is this a bad time?" Misty asked.

"Oh no, not really." Twilight said while recomposing herself. "So, what is it, Misty?" She asked.

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