Chapter 11: Written in the Starscout

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In the Brighthouse at night, Zipp is in the living room surrounded by a ton of books while she is looking through the royal family photos of the previous queens of Zephyr Heights before her mother. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No! No!" She cried out as she closed the book and tossed it away in despair. "Not helpful!" She cried before she hit her head on the table.

The lights turned on as Sunny and Sunset were walking down from upstairs. "Zipp? You're up late." Sunny said in surprise.

"What's with the late night research?" Sunset asked in wonder. "You don't usually do it this late unless you are searching for something you desperately need." She stated, knowing that Zipp is searching for something.

"Ugh." Zipp groaned as she lifted her head up. "I've been searching through my family history trying to find somepony who did the whole 'queen thing' differently." She explained while making air-quotes with her hoof. "But..." She then picks up a scroll with a french looking queen. "Guess I'll have to work on my disapproving frown. Hmph." She said in a posh accent tone while making a frown face similar to the picture.

"Whoa!" Sunny called with a small laugh while Sunny gave a small giggle. "That is a... strong look." She commented as she gave another laugh.

"Okay, that is a bit funny." Sunset said with a small giggle. "But, you do know that those were during the times when Equestria was divided and the magic was still gone, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" Zipp asked with a brow.

"There is nothing saying you can't be the FIRST in your family to do the 'queen thing' differently." Sunset said to her with a smile. "Now that magic has returned and ponies are together, you can be a better queen than your mother when the time is right." She said to her. "Even the best of Royalties can have a rough start, I should know since I saw them in action."

Zipp thought for a moment before she gave a small smile. "Well, I guess that's true." She said with a shrug.

"Well, at least you know something about your family." Sunny said as the three mares looked up and saw Sunny's old picture of her father above the fireplace.

"You really can't remember anything about being a filly?" Zipp asked in wonder to Sunny.

Sunny then frowned. "No, not really. Not before Mom... you know." She said a bit sadly as they looked at the picture again.

"Don't you remember anything about your mother, Sunny?" Sunset asked in wonder. "As a matter of fact, we never saw any pictures of her or you ever telling us about her." She said while rubbing her chin. "I mean, we know your father, but that's pretty much it."

"I really don't know, Sunset." Sunny said sadly. "I was way too young to even remember my mother's face. And she wasn't really around when growing up with dad. Which is why there's not even a picture of her around." She said while lowering her head.

Sunset and Zipp gave sympathetics looks at Sunny, who can't seem to remember her mother is a bit worse than not having her dad around. Then they heard a thumping sound. "What was that?" Sunny asked her friends as they turned to a shelf as rainbow magic is moving a makeshift book as they looked surprised by it.

"What is that?" Sunset asked as Sunny gave a thoughtful look at the book as she walked towards it as she picked it up and saw the starscout crest and a piece of Sunny above it. "Do you recognize that book, Sunny?

"'Sunny's Memory Book'?" Sunny read the title before she realized what it was. "Hey, I think I remember this! From when I was a filly!" She said with a smile as Sunset and Zipp walked up to her in surprise.

Sunny opened the book with a couple of photos of herself as a filly, but also a picture of not only Argyle, her father, but also an Earth Pony mare who has ear fur pink lace while wearing a necklace with stars with the middle one having wings, her mane and tail are cerise pink while her mane has red and yellow stripes, her eyes is olive green and her bright yellow star with four purple spots around as she was on a family photo with Argyle and on another of her holding a filly Sunny in her arm.

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