Chapter 7: The Lone Alicorn

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In the sky with floating mountains around them, Pipp and Misty are holding hooves while spinning together, but what’s shocking is that they’re all alicorns like how Sunny is as the two laugh together.

“This is wonderful!” Misty cheered as she and Pipp kept spinning around.

Zipp, who is also an Alicorn, laughed as she flew around before Sunny appeared below the clouds. “Watch this!” Sunny said with a challenging smile as she flew up at high speed. “Whoooo!” She cheered.

When Sunny regrouped with the others, she saw that the rest of the Mane 7 were all Alicorns as they flew across the sky while laughing together. “Now this is what I call a Team of Alicorns!” Sunset cheered happily as they flew in the sky and went through some clouds.

“Yeah! Look at us! We're all Alicorns now!” Sunny cheered as she spun in the air.

“This is the best!” Zipp cheered as she kept flying.

“Now nopony of this group will feel left out!” Sunset cheered.

“I love it!” Hitch cheered as he flew around with a laugh, which made Sunny smile at his coltfriend having fun as an Alicorn as she blushed a bit. But then, Hitch’s wings and horns disappeared, turning him back into an Earth Pony as he went eye wide and started falling as he screamed.

“Hitch!” Sunny cried out in horror as Hitch fell through the cloud, but then, the others lost their Alicorn forms, while Izzy and Misty were back to normal unicorns, Zipp and Pipp suddenly lost their wings and became Earth Ponies as they all screamed down into the dark void.

“Oh no! They’ve lost their Alicorn forms!” Sunset yelled out as Sunny flew after them.

“NOOOOOO!” Sunny cried out in horror as she turned and looked around and saw Sunset not with her. “Sunset! Where are you!? We need to help our…”

“You should’ve known, Sunny.” Sunset’s voice said as Sunny looked up and was shocked to see Sunset was giant size while glaring down at her.

“S-Sunset?” Sunny asked in shock. “H-How are you…?”

“What matters is that you failed your friends!” Sunset firmly shouted, which made Sunny flinch. “You’re Alicorn form appears and goes at will, but our friends weren’t ready for that power! And now it caused them to fall to their doom!” She yelled.

“B-But… W-We can s-still…!” Sunny tried to reason with her.

“I’m sorry, Sunny. But it seems the Alicornhood isn’t with you at all. You are a disgrace.” Sunset said with a shake of her head. “And now you’re all alone again. Goodbye, Sunny.” She said before she glowed and disappeared.

“Sunset! Wait! Come back!” Sunny called out as she looked around and saw that she was all alone. “NOOOOO!” She screamed in despair.

Suddenly in the Brighthouse’s bedroom, an alarm clock started ringing as Sunny woke up with a gasp before panting with a bed mane while wrapped in her blanket, sweating a bit from the nightmare she had. “Just a dream.” She said to herself before she sighed and turned off her alarm clock. “It was just... a dream.” She repeated as she removed her blanket to reveal her full bed mane.

Then she heard chuckles as she turned and looked at Zipp and Sunset in front of her, with Zipp chuckling while holding a bowl of cereal while Sunset gave a concerned look. “Now, that is what I call bedmane.” Zipp said with a smile and chuckles before Sunset elbowed her. “What?” She asked.

“Zipp, Sunny’s mane is always like that when she sleeps rough sometimes. Don’t make a joke out of it.” Sunset scolded as she walked up to Sunny and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

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