Chapter 6: Swirlpool Starlight

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At Bridlewood Spog, Misty, Izzy, and Sunset are relaxing in a mud puddle while Izzy is sipping on some refreshments as the two mares sigh fondly. "Now this is a great time to take a break from my research and just relax in a nature-like spa with two of my best friends." Sunset muttered with a small smile.

"You said it, Sunset. Bridlewood Spog is such a relaxing place. Glad you two could show it to me." Misty said with a relaxing smile.

"Anytime. We wanted you to experience it after years of isolation from Opaline. And to get your worries out." Izzy said with a small smile.

"Well, it's working."Misty said, but then they heard a rumbling sound, which got Misty's attention as she turned to see a bright glow. "Izzy? Sunset?" She started as she saw a rainbow light heading towards them, which made Misty nervous. "Izzy! Sunset!" She cried out.

"Huh? What?" Sunset asked, snapping out of her relaxing phase.

"Yeah, mm-hmm?" Izzy said as she opened her eyes with a smile.

"Get down!" Misty cried out as the three ponies took a closer look and saw many Breezies flying towards them.

"Ah! Breezie herd! Under the mud!" Sunset called as she, Izzy, and Misty ducked underneath the mud puddle as the Breezies flew over them at high speed and into the forest as the three ponies looked up from the mud bath in confusion. "What got those Breezies flying in a hurry?" She questioned before a certain Unicorn Filly, Violette Rainbow, came rushing by panting as she stopped to take a breath.

The three ponies turned to her and saw her as Izzy gave a cheerful smile. "Hi, Violette!" She greeted with a wave.

"What are you doing here?" Sunset asked Violette in wonder.

"You're gonna miss it, ponies!" Violette said with an excited smile. "Come on!" She called as she rushed off and Izzy jumped out of the mud and followed her.

"Well, if the Breezies got Violette excited, might as well see what it's about." Sunset said with an interesting smile as she jumped off with Misty as the two followed after the two Unicorns while following the Breezies.

The four followed the Breezies further into the forest as they made it to a pond with a big lily pad in the middle as the Breezies then circled it. "Wow! It's really happening!" Violette cheered with an exciting smile and sparkles in her eyes.

"What is?" Misty asked in confusion.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Sunset asked as well.

"And where?" Izzy asked as they turned and saw her still having mud over her that covered her eyes as Izzy shook herself to get it off and turned to the pond with a wide smile. "Oh! There!" She exclaimed in excitement with sparkles in her eyes as well as she stood next to Violette.

"Uh, what are you two excited about? And why are the Breezies circling the pond? I never saw them do that before." Sunset said in confusion since she had never seen the Breezies do anything like this.

"Yeah, I'm drawing a blank here too." Misty said in agreement.

"This is the Swirlpool Starlight!" Violette answered as the Breezies flew a bit higher over the pond. "Every ten years, all the Breezies gather and combine their magic in a special ceremony. Anypony who witnesses it is forever changed when the Breezies' magic looks into their hearts!" She explained in pure excitement as she circled the three ponies as a magical rainbow orb appeared at the center of where the Breezies were circling as it created a bright flash that blinded the four ponies as it hit the big lily pad and the pond glowed a bit.

"Wow, that's an interesting magic there." Sunset said in amazement. "I should take notes. Sunny would flip since she's missing this while she's on her date with Hitch." She said with a smirk.

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