Chapter 5: Misty-rious New Room

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At night in the living room of the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset and Misty are watching the Frankenstallion’s movie, with Misty huddled in a blanket as said scientist pony comes out from behind a gravestone and looks around nervously, unknown to his Frankenstein pony was behind him.

“He's right behind you!” Misty cried out in fear while holding her popcorn while Sunset chuckled.

“Hehe, he’s gonna get karma.” Sunset chuckled as she turned to Misty, who was shaking in fear. “Come on, Misty. You've seen scarier stuff than this movie after living with Opaline."

“I know, but I never watched these movies before. And I still get scared since it’s my first time.” Misty said shakingly. “I’m just glad you’re here to help me watch it through, Sunset.” She added with a small smile.

“What are friends for, Misty?” Sunset said with a warm smile.

They continued watching as Frankenstallion turned and saw his monster growling at him as Misty dropped a popcorn she was about to eat before Sunset quickly caught it and put it in her mouth as Frankenstallion opened his goggles. But then, a shadow flew over the two ponies as Misty screamed in startle while Sunset looked surprised as Misty dropped her popcorn.

“What in the name of Celestia was that?” Sunset asked as she and Misty looked around.

“Hello? Is anypony there?” Misty asked nervously as she and Sunset looked around before they saw something flying over them, which caused Misty to scream and covered herself in a blanket while Sunset looked in surprise.

“Uh, Misty. Look at this.” Sunset said in shock.

Misty opened one of her eyes and looked and then she noticed her horn is glowing. “Wait a second.” She said as Sunset noticed this as well.

“You’re horn is glowing? Are you doing this?” Sunset asked in confusion.

“N-No. I am not doing anyhting.” Misty answered before the lights turned on to reveal a magic glowing spellbook as it floated in front of them. “Whoa.” She said in awed with sparkles in her eyes.

“A book? Floating?” Sunset asked in shock.

“Where'd you come from?” Misty asked the book before turning to Sunset. “Do you know about this, Sunset?”

“Uh, no, Misty. I did not know. This is the first I’ve even seen a floating book.” Sunset said in surprise.

“Well, let’s take a look at it and find out more.” Misty said as she was about to grab it, but the book flew off. “Whoa!” She called as Misty fell to the floor while Sunset looked surprised.

“That book is quick.” Sunset said as she quickly picked up Misty. “After that book!” She exclaimed as she and Misty chased after it as they ran upstairs.

“Hey! Come back, mysterious glowing book thing!” Misty called as she and Sunset ran down the hall. “Where are you going?” She asked as the two ponies started chasing it before Misty gave a determined expression and quickly grabbed hold of the book. “Gotcha!” She called with a smile before the book started dragging her, which startled her.

“Misty!” Sunset cried out as she grabbed Misty by the waist and tried to pull her, but she was being dragged along as well. “Boy, this book's pull is strong. There’s two of us and the book is still winning!” She cried out.

“You said it!” Misty called out as the two ponies were being dragged by the book.

“Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!” They cried out as they were then dragged to a golden door with rainbows on the side as it opened itself up and opened a portal as the book, Sunset, and Misty were then entered through.

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