Chapter 9: Cracked It

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In Maretime Bay, Sunset and Sunny, who is in her Alicorn form, flew by with their smoothie carts attached to them. "Morning, ponies!" Sunny called with a smile.

"Here's a refreshment to start the day!" Sunset called as she and Sunny then started giving two stallions each a smoothie, which they smiled.

"Thanks, Sunny and Sunset!" The stallion said as Sunny skated on the ground while Sunset continued flying around the streets while Izzy and Pipp were chatting with Posey at Mane Melody as Sunny used her Earth Pony magic to make flower crowns for each of them as she and Sunny gave them some smoothies as they took off with the three ponies smiling at them before the flower crowns landed on their heads and they caught their smoothies.

"Thanks, girls!" Izzy cheered with a smile.

"Oh, thanks!" Pipp cheered.

"Thanks, Sunny and Sunset!" Posey thanked next.

"Anytime, girls!" Sunset said as she and Sunset flew and twirled around in the air while passing by Hitch and Sparky while Sunset was behind.

"Egg!" Hitch called when he saw something in front of Sunny as he waved his hooves to Sunny while Sparky babbled.

"Egg?" Sunset asked in confusion as she stopped while Sunny continued on before she turned to Hitch with a smile.

"Hi, Hitch!" Sunny waved to her coltfriend as Sunset saw something in front of her.

"Sunny! Watch out!" Sunset called while pointing something in front of Sunny.

"Huh?" Sunny asked as she turned and saw a giant egg in front of her, which caused her to scream as she flapped her wings frantically to slow down.

"Uh, oh." Sparky said in a baby tone as he, Sunset, and Hitch watched in concern before Sunny crashed into the egg, which sent smoothie continents flying as Sunset quickly brought out her magic shield, but Hitch and Sparky weren't so lucky as some smoothies hit them on their face, which Hitch gave a dull look while Sparky smiled from the taste as Sunset chuckled.

"Wow, we haven't seen you get hit with smoothies in a while." Sunset said with chuckles while Hitch gave a bored look.

"Yeah, it has been a while." Hitch said unamusingly.

"Sorry, Hitch. But you know it was an accident." Sunset said with a small smile. "Sunny got too distracted by that giant egg to get you your and Sparky's smoothies. Fortunately, I have brought spare smoothie supplies." She then gives Hitch both a rag to clean himself and Sparky and the smoothies for Hitch and Sparky.

"Thanks, Sunset." Hitch said with a smile while Sparky babbled in agreement.

"You're welcome." Sunset said with a smile. "And, also, there's a giant egg in the middle of Maretime Bay!?" She exclaimed in shock at seeing the giant egg.

"Yeah, that's something." Hitch said in agreement.

A bit later, ponies are gathered around while Hitch's critters use security tapes around the egg, which got Sunny's splattered image in it with smoothies from the crash while the rest of the Mane 7 inspected it.

"Keep it moving, ponies! Nothing to see here!" Hitch called to the crowd with a megaphone while Sparky repeated his words in baby talk.

Rufus gave a brow from this. "Yeah, yeah. Then how do you explain that giant egg? Huh?" He questioned sarcastically about the giant egg in front of them.

"Mmm, I've never seen an egg like this before." Izzy said in amazement while touching it. "It looks kinda... old." She said as Pipp and Sunset landed next to her.

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