Chapter 12: Where the Rainbows are Made

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In Maretime Bay, a rainbow magic is flying by as Zipp saw this and gasped before she quickly flew up and avoided it before she saw more rainbow magic is sucking all the rainbow colors out of some items like Rufus’s popsicle and a colt’s balloon.

Zipp followed the rainbow magics with a suspicious look as she turned a corner. “What is going on?” She questioned before she saw something that made her eyes widened. “Huh?!” She gasped when she saw the rainbow magic being sucked up into the clouds while a big rainbow was in the middle.

Dapple appeared with a gasp when he saw it too. “Somepony is stealing our rainbow unicorn magic!” He cried out.

“Somepony or something?” Zipp questioned as she took another look at the rainbows flying up, feeling like something else is stealing the rainbow magic before her phone vibrated as she answered it and saw Sunny and Sunset in facetime.

“Emergency meeting!” Sunset called out seriously.

“Everypony to the Crystal Room!” Sunny added with the same tone.

“NOW!” They both called with slight worry.

A little bit later, the rest of the Mane 7 entered the Crystal Room with the elevator before they saw the rainbow around the Unity Crystals being sucked up as well before they turned to Sunny, Sunset, and Misty. “Ponies, this is a disaster! All the rainbows are disappearing and we don’t know why!” Sunny cried out while gesturing to the rainbows flying up to the clouds.

“It just started happening as soon as the rainbows were being blasted to the sky! And this is really weird, even for rainbow magic standards!” Sunset exclaimed with a serious tone.

Zipp and Pipp then stepped into the balcony as they looked out to the sky where the rainbows were going as Zipp put on her visor. “It looks like they're all getting sucked up into that huge cloud.” Zipp said to them.

“Huh.” Pipp said with a hoof to her chin. “Looks kinda like…” She started.

Then the two sisters gasped in realization as they gasped before they smiled. “The place where rainbows are made!” THey said in unison with sparkles in their eyes.

The others were confused while Izzy smiled with sparkles in her eyes as well. “I'm sorry. The what?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“Yeah, because I’m drawing a blank on what you two just said.” Sunset said in agreement.

“It was a bedtime story Mom used to tell us.” Zipp started as Pipp nodded in agreement.. “Some giant cloud with a rainbow-making machine in the middle.” She said as they looked up to the rainbows being sucked to the cloud. “I never thought it was real.”

“The place that makes rainbows must be... taking them back?” Pipp theorizes in surprise while the others are surprised by this while Sunset gives a thoughtful look.

“Sounds to me that this machine might have a glitch in it.” Sunset theorizes. “I remember the rainbow factory on Cloudsdale when they made rainbows, and how Rainbow Dash used to work there, but a rainbow-making machine? That’s a new one.”

“Sounds like the Pegasi must’ve made one before the magic faded and before the division from Opaline.” Hitch commented.

“Make sense. Especially with so many rainbow magic around lately.” Sunny nodded in agreement before they turned to the Unity Crystals, which made a pulsation sound and a sphere shape in the middle of the rainbow beam, shocking the group. “And it looks like not even the crystal’s rainbow is safe!”

Zipp then gave a serious expression as she flew close to the rainbow with a determined smile. “Right! Come on, everypony! It's time to save some rainbows!” She declared as she flew into the rainbow beam. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered as she disappeared.

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