Chapter 16: A Swing and a Misty

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At a waterfall in the woods, things were going normally before Misty's voice spoke up. "Oh, no! Is that a..." Misty called out as she, Zipp, Pipp, Queen Haven, Cloupuff and Alphabittle came over the waterfall from their rafts.

"WATERFALL!" They all screamed as they went over the waterfall as Misty saw her camera and quickly levitated it in her magic before they all hit the water.

Misty resurfaced from the water with a blank expression as she swam to the surface while the others resurfaced as well as they coughed some water off with Haven on a log which Cloudpuff was pushing as they all, except for Misty, laughed as they swam out of the water.

"Oh, well, you wanted an unforgettable family trip, Misty." Pipp said with a smile, but saw that Misty wasn't with them.

"With Sunny, Hitch and Sparky are visiting Granny Figg while Twilight and Sunset are visiting Spike and Izzy is spending time with Discord in the dragon lands, this seems to be more fun compared to theirs." Zipp said while shaking the water off herself.

While Pipp was looking for Misty, Zipp looked down and saw a flying fish, that literally flies, came out of her life vest as Zipp gave a startled yelp as they watched it fly away before turning to see Misty walking up to a tent with the camera.

"Ugh. I wish I could forget it." Misty said sadly as she entered her tent.

They all look at Misty as Alphabittle gives a concerned look before Pipp and Zipp come up to him. "Don't worry. We'll take care of this." Pipp assured with a smile as Zipp nodded in agreement as they went to Misty's tent as Alphabittle gave a concerned look before Haven placed a hoof on his shoulder with an assuring smile as Alphabittle returned it as he held her hoof next.

In Misty's tent, she connected her camera to her laptop as she set it up and put in her password with a frown. "All I wanted was some perfect family memories." She said as she saw some pictures their time in camping, but one of them is when the royal family trying to lift Alphabittle from from a cliff, the next was Haven sniffing some flowers, but got caught in a flower trap next, the next photo is Zipp flying away from some bees, and Pipp is taking a selfie with herself, but the ground started moving to reveal a piece of land she's on was on top of a giant caterpillar. "But today has just been one disaster after another... ugh... after another." She said as she flopped her face in front of her laptop in sadness.

Zipp and Pipp came to her in concern. "What do you mean?" Pipp asked Misty. "Has it been perfect? No. No way. Not even close! It's, like, so far-" She tried to say before her sister nudged her.

"Ahem!" Zipp said to her sister as the two sisters gave nervous smiles as Pipp realizes what she said.

"Um, I mean, but at least it's been memorable, you know?" Pipp asked with a small smile.

But Misty still frowned as she gestured to her laptop. "Look at this. I couldn't even do a campfire right." She said as she then played a video of their campfire time.

"Pegasi fly ever so hi-i-igh~." Pipp sang while playing a banjo while Misty was recording the moment with her camera before she brought out some marshmallows on sticks as she passed to each one of them.

"Everypony's having a great time." Zipp said as Misty sat next to her father as the two smiled warmly.

"Wait for it." Misty said with a dull look as the two sisters watched as Misty and Alphabittle hugged closely while they all placed their marshmallows by the campfire, but then the sticks started fizzing from the tips like fireworks, which shocked the group.

"Um, Misty, where'd you say you got these sticks?" Alphabittle asked his daughter in worry.

"That sparkly tree over there." Misty answered as she pointed the sparkling tree with orange leaves on as it gave a sparkling glow. "Why?"

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