Chapter 4

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After smoothing down my hair and clothes and regaining some sort of composure, I looked around to find Rian knelt down trying to entice the cats to come over. Chuckling at the sight, I quietly walked up behind him to see that one of the cats had been brave enough to approach him. Seems even the damn stray cat couldn't resist him either. You and me both, kitty.

As he heard me approaching, Rian looked over his shoulder and shot me a small smile, a kind I hadn't seen from him before. Gone was his signature cocksure smirk that was usually plastered over his face, replaced by something softer and wholly different to what I had grown accustomed to, even in the short time I had been subjected to his particular brand of attention.

It was then that I noticed he had something in his hand and that the cat was licking it. Wait, what is that? Is that what I think it is?

"Rian, where the hell did you find a cat treat from in an alleyway behind the coffee shop?" I asked, with a hint of laughter in my voice.

"What? I like cats, ok? I always like to have some with me in case I come across any little guys who look like they could use a good meal, you know?" he replied, looking at me again over his shoulder with a shy smile. It was almost like he was trying to read my reaction to that random factoid he had just casually dropped. "Besides", he continued, "I have cats at home who are spoiled, so they dont mind sharing".

"Wow, I honestly was not expecting you to be a cat person" I said, laughing at the thought of him at home, surrounded by fluffy cat toys.

Rian gave his new friend a scratch under the chin before saying goodbye, then stood and walked over to me. "What's so funny Jagiya, not what you were expecting? I'll have you know that I have a outstanding track record of pleasing many pussys in my time" he said seductively.

And there it is. His signature smirk had returned tenfold. Cocky bastard.

"There you go, running your mouth again. You are incredibly sure of yourself aren't you?" I shot back, eyebrow raised

He closed the distance between us in a heartbeat, and pulled me against him with a firm hand on my waist. " I seem to recall you rather liking me running my mouth over something else not so long ago. How quickly you forget my talent. Maybe I should remind you..."

"And maybe I should remind you that you are the one who suggested moving on, so get moving arsehole".

It took all my strength to push him away from me and start to head back out of the alleyway. I looked back at him over my shoulder to see if he actually had any intention of following me, only to find his head tilted to the side and him biting his lip whilst watching me walk away. Fucking pervert.

"Whilst i appreciate you checking out my arse Rian, you're going to lose sight of it pretty quickly if you dont catch up. I'm not waiting for you, so get your arse up here now" I shouted over my shoulder as I carried on walking.

Rian laughed and started to jog to catch up. "So bossy. I like a girl who know what she wants and gives me orders, it's so fucking sexy. Please do that later".

By the time I got to the alleyway entrance, he had finally caught up to me. He stood facing me side on and pulled me closer against him once more, almost protectively. I turned my face to him, expecting to find him looking at me, but he instead seemed to be scanning the people on the street, as if looking for someone. Seemingly finding the person he was looking for, he raised his hand in a wave, as if gesturing someone over.

Puzzled, I asked him who he was signaling to. "My driver, dumbass. What, did you think we were just going to walk home? You don't even know where we're going silly" he quipped.

Charmer ||Lee Minho / LeeKnow||Where stories live. Discover now