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In an abandoned warehouse in Russia a blonde woman and a red head were sat and tied to chairs with their backs to an opening in the room leading to a drop down to the lobby below. They were facing three men, one of which was the target they were assigned to go after. The two women were both in black dresses which the blonde woman was not happy about.

"So this was your plan? Wear dresses and get captured?" The blonde asks.

"It worked, didn't it?" The red head retorted.

"It was a shit plan." The blonde said earning an eye roll from the red headed woman

One of the mean approaches the women and punches both of them in the face making them turn their heads to the side then slowly turn back to the men.

"Не так я хотел, чтобы этот вечер прошел."(This is not how I wanted this evening to go.) The Russian man in charge said to the two.

"Мы знаем, как ты хотел, чтобы этот вечер прошел."(We know how you wanted this evening to go.) The red head started

"Поверьте мне. Это лучше." (Trust me. This is better.) The blonde finished for the red head.

"На кого вы работаете?" (Who are you working for?) The man asked as he stood with his hands in his pockets. "Лерментов, да?" (Lermentov, yes?) He asked as the two henchmen approached the two women and started to lean their chairs back. "Он думает, Нам придется пройти через него, перевезти наш груз?" (Does he think, we have to go through him, to move our cargo?) The two were not leaned back over the edge of the opening with their feet dangling as the henchmen held them steady for the moment.

"Я думал, экспортным бизнесом занимается генерал Солохоб." (I thought General Solohob was in charge of the export business.)The red head said as the two were lowered back down to the ground as the henchmen went back to their places at the Generals sides.

"Салхуб.. мешочник, фронт. Ваша устаревшая информация выдает вас двоих." (Solohob... A bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you two.) The General said as he walked closer to the two women. "Знаменитые Черная Вдова и Белая Вдова. и они оказываются просто еще одним набором красивых лиц.." (The famous Black Widow and White Widow. And they turn out to be simply another set of pretty faces.)

"Ты правда думаешь, что мы красивые?" (You really think we're pretty?" The blonde asks earning a look from the general.

Скажи Лерментову, что он нам не нужен переместить танки." (Tell Lermentov, we don't need him to move the tanks.) The General said as the henchmen walked over to the women and forced their mouths open. "Скажите ему, что он вышел. Хорошо..." (Tell him he is out. Well...) The general said as he picked up a pair of pliers. "Well, you may have to write it down." He said in English shocking the women.

The phone of the henchman who was holding the blonde woman started to ring so the man took out his phone and picked it up. He turned to the General and held out the phone. "Это для них." (It's for them.)

The General angrily took the phone from the man and started to speak "Ты внимательно слушаешь..." (You listen carefully...) He started but was cut off.

"You're at 1- 14 Silensky Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the women on the phone, or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." The voice of Phil Coulson said through the other end of the phone shocking the General briefly. The General walked over to the red head and put the phone between her head and shoulder. "We need you two to come in."

AJ Watson: Codename - ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now