Light From A Sidewalk Encounter Part 1

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Ship - Ranpo

AU - Modern/No Abilities

Includes - Fluff, Mentions Of Abuse, Toxic Relationship

Edgar Allan Poe walked out into the night, feeling the cool breeze of the evening. It was one of those nights where the city seemed to be alive with its own quiet energy. The streetlights cast long shadows on the pavement, and the occasional distant sound of a car engine hummed through the stillness. Poe had always found comfort and peace in these solitary walks, they were a chance to clear his mind and find new inspirations for his writing.

As he strolled down a familiar street, he noticed a young man sitting alone on the sidewalk, his head bowed and shoulders hunched. Poe's curiosity was piqued, and he felt a tug of concern for the solitary figure even tho he didn't know them. Tho he approached the young man slowly, not wanting to startle him.

"Hey, are you alright?" Poe asked gently, his voice carrying a note of genuine concern for the stranger. The young man looked up, revealing a pair of tear-streaked cheeks and eyes filled with a mix of pain and vulnerability.

"No, I'm not," the young man replied, his voice trembling. "I... I just escaped a toxic relationship. My lover... he beat me, cheated on me, and did so many horrible things." His voice broke, and he seemed to be on the verge of tears again.

Poe felt a pang of empathy and sorrow for the young man. "I-I'm sorry to hear that. What's your name?"

"Edogawa Ranpo," the young man replied, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Hello Ranpo, my name is Edgar Allan Poe, but my friends call me Poe," he simply introduced himself. "Do you mind if I sit with you for a while, Ranpo?"

Ranpo thought about it before he nodded with a small smile, and Poe took a seat beside him on the cold sidewalk. For a few moments, they sat in silence, the sounds of the night around them providing a backdrop to the unspoken words that hung in the air. Finally, Ranpo began to talk, his words flowing out in a torrent of emotion. "I-I'm sorry, You didn't have to sit with me." Poe looked at Ranpo shocked by his words "No it's okay, I was just on a night walk, nothing more and I wasn't busy or anything." Poe spoke calm to not startle Ranpo. Ranpo smiled at Poe "Still, I bet you have better things to do right now than to be sitting here with me."

Poe was shocked at how sad Ranpo's voice sounded, Poe's never seen someone so sad before, Poe soon spoke "Do you maybe want to talk about it? I'm all ears if you want to vent." Ranpo was shocked, his eyes wide with tears, why would a stranger want to listen to him cry and vent about his feelings? No one has ever wanted to listen to Ranpo talk before. "Or if you don't want to that is fine too, I'm sorry I ask-" Ranpo soon stopped Poe from finishing his sentence "Why? Why would you let me vent to you?" That question shocked Poe, why wouldn't he want to listen to him if it helped him?

Poe looked shocked but soon answered Ranpo's question "Why wouldn't I? If venting about what you've been through will help you, then of course I'd let you and listen to you vent your feelings." Ranpo's eyes widened in shock "Y-You'd actually listen if I talked?" Poe gave Ranpo a small smile as he nodded, Ranpo's eyes softened as he smiled at Poe.

Ranpo soon spoke of the abuse that he went through, the betrayal he felt, and the heartbreak he had endured from his ex-partner. Poe listened intently, offering the occasional word of comfort or a reassuring nod at times.

When Ranpo finished, tears glistened in his eyes, and he was trembling slightly. Poe felt a deep sense of compassion for the young man and wanted to do something to help ease his pain. "Would it be alright if I gave you a hug? Only if you want one." he asked softly.

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