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I woke up to sun shinning through the glass door that led to the balcony along with a killer headache. Damnmit how much did I have to drink, last night, I barely remember stumbling into the room last night. Before I can go relive this massive headache I strip out of my clothes that I fell asleep in and put on a pair of spandex and a oversized t-shirt. I slowly go down the stairs and walk into the kitchen and start rummaging through the cabinets for some Advil. I know we have something because Bart informed us him and his team would set the house up. After a couple more minutes I successfully locate the Advil and take the preferred dosage and chug it down with water.
I then go on a hunt to find Matthew, I need to know what Sammy said to him yesterday. Just because I'm a nice person I bring the bottle of Advil along with water just incase Matt is also hungover.
I walk up the stairs and peak into every room until I find Matt, sprawled across the mattress on his stomach, his hair in multiple directions with his mouth slightly open. I close the door behind me and set down the glass with the bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. I walkover to the mattress and get closer to Matt then yell in his ear, "MATT WAKE UP I HAVE A QUESTION!!"
He bolts straight out of bed alarmed and looking around then pouts at the sight of me smiling.
"That wasn't a very nice thing to do Des, especially when I'm hungover," he grumbles. "Yeah,yeah. I brought you Advil and water you big baby," I say pointing to the nightstand.
"Anyways I have to ask you something really important."
"Shoot," he says before swallowing the pill. "What did you and Sammy talk about yesterday at the store."
"Oh that. He was said and I quote, 'Matt look I don't care if you're dating Destiny, she deserves to be happy. I love her with everything in me and I swear you do everything you can do to keep her smiling, don't make her cry like I did. She deserves the f*cking moon and all the stars. Please just don't put her through everything I did to her.' I tried to tell him that it wasn't really what he thought but he refused."
I sat there in shock, Sammy the one that put me through all the hell in the world was telling Matt not to do that.
"Destiny, I could see the hurt in his eyes, he might be with her but he doesn't want to be. He still loves you," Matt said honestly.
"No. No he can't have me back, he put me through hell. I don't care, he did what he did and I'm done with it. I'd be lying if I said I still didn't love him but I can't be with him," I say as the tears start coming.
"Come here," Matt says quietly,opening up his arms. I slowly lean in towards him and lay my head on his chest and just let the tears fall. "Why does he do this to me, just when I think I'm over and I'll be fine without him. He goes and comes back into my life and ruins everything," I sob.
Matthew didn't say anything just I was kinda grateful for, as of right now I didn't think there was anything anyone could tell me to make me feel better. Sammy left my heart shattered in pieces and all I want is for someone to hug me so tight all my broken pieces will fit back together. Unfortunately life isn't a fairytale and no one will rescue me but to be fair I don't want that, I just need someone by side while I save myself.
A couple minutes later I picked my head up off of matts chest and gave him a small smile as a sort of way to say thanks.
"Let's do something today Des, to help clear your mind," he suggest. I nod my head, "Well I'm gonna go, I'll see you later tho right." I got off the bed and gave Matt a kiss on a cheek then walked out back to my room.
I absolutely hate seeing Destiny cry, I know it's crazy to say considering all this stuff with Sammy but I like her a lot. I get up and get dress and stop by Destiny's room to tell her that I'll be back later so we can go out. Luckily she doesn't question me because if I told her she would've tried to stop me. I got in the car and stated driving to meet with a certain person. I pull into the park that was nearby and see that he's already here.
I turnoff the car and head over to the picnic bench where he was waiting.
"Hey Sam," I say sitting down.
"Hey. So what's up, why'd you want to meet up," he responds casually.
"It's about, Destiny," I start. "Look she asked what happened between us when we saw you and the other girl at the store yesterday and I told her because there was no point in lying."
"What did, how did she respond," he asks. "She was really torn up about it Sammy. She's trying to move on but when you do this to her, she can't. She still loves you but you really hurt when that incident happened."
"I know it did, and honestly I made a huge mistake. Matt you have to believe me when I say that I still love her, and I'm just with Ava to make up for the whole in my heart," Sam continued and I could see it in his eyes that he was genuinely upset and it seemed like he was in dire need to get back with Destiny. Have you ever been so torn because you really like this girl but you see that she's still madly in love with someone, that loves them back but you can also tell its making that person go mad. That was the position I was currently, I really like Destiny but its clear as day that her and Sammy are meant to be together but you can also tell that she's going crazy.

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