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Sammy's POV:
All I could remember was that we got, into a accident. I woke up in the hospital and found Cam, and Nash in my room.
"Where's Destiny? Is she okay?," Where the first words out of my mouth.
"She's not doing so well, she's in a coma. They just sent her to ICU," Cam said barely audible.
"When can I get out I have to go see here," he said sitting up.
"Just wait like twenty more minutes the doctor should be here soon," Nash explained.
After me waiting impatiently for what felt like an hour and forever, the doctor came in.
"Well we ran some test, and there seems to be nothing wrong so you are free to go," the doctor said.
I signed the papers and got dressed and ran to ICU.
"What room is Destiny Johnson in, please I need to see her," I asked the nurse.
"Are you family?" She asked.
"I'm her boyfriend but please I need see her, I need to see the love of my life," I begged.
"Down the hall and to the left and if anyone asks your her cousin." She sighed.
"Thank you so much," I replied running down the hall.
I got there and saw Johnson in her room, he noticed me walk in and said," I'll give you some time alone," and with that he left.
I looked over at the hospital bed and saw Destiny laying there. She had stitches across her eyebrow, her lip was a little swollen, she had a cast on her leg, the worst part was that the hospital had her on oxygen. I wanted to cry, why did this have to happen her, why not me.
I pulled up a chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand.

Destiny's POV:
Everything happened so quickly, I woke up and there was ambulances everywhere, I saw them put Sammy into the back of one of the many cars there. I looked around, I can't be dead, it's impossible. I saw them put me into the back of ambulance as well, not knowing exactly what to do, I climbed into the back and saw my body.
Now here I am in the hospital bed, and I'm just sitting by my bed. My brother came in and cried, saying that he loved me and I was the best sister he could have and that I had to stay strong. Then Sammy came running in. As soon as he laid eyes on me, I saw the hurt in his eyes. He pulled up a chair and grabbed my hand.
"Hey Des, I don't know where to start. We've had so many ups and downs to our relationship. I still remember the first day I saw you in science freshman year. You walked in with Mallory, laughing. You were so happy and you looked absolutely stunning, no matter what would happen you would always be smiling. One of the many things I love about you no matter what could happen your happy.Then junior year was when it all happened, I had a little crush on you. Then we had to do a project for English and we were assigned to be partners. We went to your house and you were so easy to talk to, it was like I had known you my whole life. We probably wasted an hour and a half just talking and eating. Then of course ever since then I started hanging around with you and the Jacks more. It was then that I had fallen even harder for you. No matter what you did, falling in love with you was beyond my control. I mean it when I say there are no words in the dictionary that describe how much I love you. Your the one I spend forever with, 7 months and forever to go babe. It literally kills me to see you like this, to know your in a coma and I'm perfectly fine. I would do anything if that meant you weren't suffering. Hopefully our story isn't over yet, Des you have to pull through not just for me but for the guys, for Johnson and your fans, but I understand if you can't, just know i love you baby girl," he was practically in tears now. He kissed me on my forehead then left the room. I don't blame him, how could he stay and watch the one thing he loves the most so hurt. He's right I have to stay, I love him and the guys all so much and I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for the fans, I have to pull through for them. I just have to figure out how to do it.
~~3 days later~~
It's been three days, and I still can't manage to wake up. All that's been happening these past few days were replays of my life some good and some bad. Sammy has been in and out of here as much as he could, and it pains me to see him like this. He walked in and he looked horrible, his hair was all over the place, there bags under his eyes, he was wearing the same clothes as he did the first day and it looked like he hadn't been eating.
"Hey Des, it's me again, it's been three days and none of us have doing well. Mainly me and Johnson, I haven't slept at all, but I can't fall asleep knowing your not in my arms. The doctors say there's still hope, and I know you can do it. The guys are trying to convince me, to get out more since the only time I get out is to come see you, but I can't do anything knowing your in here. Destiny Marie Johnson I love you like crazy and I'm a complete mess without you. Your my other half, the love of my life. Baby I need you to come back. Incase your wondering your trending on Twitter, literally everyone has been tweeting #prayfordestiny." He spoke barely even audible. I have to figure out to get out of this coma. I start walking around the hospital and I get to the entrance and I hear Sammy and I's song. I walk towards the music, and as I walked out I saw lights, maybe this wasn't the right direction but everything in me was saying to go this way.
The light gets brighter and then finally my eyes met with a pair of hazel eyes, the same eyes I fell in love with.
"Destiny," Sammy chocked out.
"Sammy," I spoke, my voice a little raspy.
"Oh my god, babe I'm so happy, I knew you could do. I love you so much.." he kept rambling on. I cut him off by pulling his lips onto mine and kissing him.
"I heard everything you said, I love you so much Sammy. I promise I won't ever leave you,I mean 7 months down and forever to go right?" I whispered to him.

Guys I hope you liked this chapter it was so easy to write, I got a lot of the ideas from the movie/book If I stay. It was such an amazing movie.
YEET ✊✌️💕

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