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Sammy's POV:

I feel stupid as fuck I had the perfect opportunity to tell Destiny I liked I her but I fucked it up because I got nervous.

I lived down the street from the Jacks, Mallory and obviously Destiny so I decided to walk to Destiny and Jack's house so that way we could all ride to school together.

After the short walk and cursing myself for not telling Destiny I liked her, I finally arrived at her house.

I knocked then walked in and found Destiny,Mallory,Jack and Jack finishing up their breakfast.

"Hey Sams," Destiny said she didn't look upset bug I knew she was faking it.

"Sup Wilk,"Mallory spoke up.

Then Jack and Jack said, "Hey ole Sammyboy."

I laughed as I took the empty chair next to Destiny.

After talking for a bit they finished their breakfast and we headed to the car.

"Shotgun!" I yelled out first.

Everyone knew Destiny liked being the middle and I didn't know if things between us would be awkward.

Throughout the whole entire ride, Johnson, Destiny and Mallory kept whispering to each other while Gilinsky and I had our convo.

"Dude, I fucked up." I whispered just for him to hear.

"What did you do?"

"I had the perfect chance to the girl I liked I liked her and I got nervous and didn't say anything." I sighed running my hands through my hair in frustration.

Luckily Gilinsky talked low enough so only we could hear each other.

"If your talking about Destiny, just know she likes you too and was a little upset you didn't tell her anything especially after the two of you held hands, kissed, you called her the hottest girl in school and walked her home."

"I know, I just got nervous and couldn't say anything." I sighed again.

"It's alright man, you just gotta tell her soon.

"Yeah, I know." I said as we pulled up into school.

Mallory and Destiny walked straight to their first period class only telling us they'd see us later.

~Destiny's POV:

During the whole car ride Jack,Mallory and I whispering about what happened last night which was them telling that he probably does like me back but he just got nervous. I also admitted I was a little upset that Sam didn't say anything about how he felt about me especially after everything that happened yesterday.

Now Gilinsky knows I like Sammy since that's what we were talking about when he walked into my house luckily we played it off as if we weren't talking about him.

When we walk into school me and Mallory go straight to history. .

"Destiny!" "Destiny!" I look over and see Sammy running over to me.

"Sam, I can't do this right now, I have to get to class," I said walking away and into my classroom.

I took my seat next Mallory, and she could obviously tell I was upset Sammy.

"Hey, maybe you should've stayed and heard him out." she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"So that way he could tell me the kiss meant nothing, us holding hands and that he meant nothing by calling me the hottest girl in school, I don't think I would be able to hear it." I whispered yelled.

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