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Sammy's POV:

The Jacks, Destiny and I were currently at the airport gate waiting for my flight to be called. Destiny was trying hard not to cry while I held her in my arms.

"Flight 366 to Omaha is now boarding."

I let go of Destiny and said a quick bye to the Jacks then made way back over to Destiny who was crying.

I engulfed her into a hug as she cried harder. "Look Destiny it'll be okay we'll FaceTime and text whenever possible, I promise." I whispered to her.

"I'll miss you so much Sam, please don't do anything stupid." she cried.

"I won't, I'll miss you so much more," I said giving her a quick kiss.

"Bye Sam, I love you, text me when you land" she whispered.

"I love you too, you'll be the first person to know," I whispered kissing her forehead. Then gave her one last peck on the lips then heading over to plane entrance. I looked back to see Destiny bawling her eyes out and Johnson hugging her and rubbing her back in attempt to calm her down. I turned my head and continued walking towards the plane as a couple tears fell down my own face.

~Destiny's POV:

We were currently at the gate waiting for Sam's flight to be called. I was trying hard not to cry as Sam held me in his arms. I know what your thinking you and him just started dating like a week ago, but the way I feel about Sam is indescribable I've never felt this way about anyone before, I think I'm in love Sam.

"Flight 366 to Omaha is now boarding."

I got up and Sam let's go of me and says his byes to the Jacks. He made his way back over to me and instantly hugged me, I took this moment and inhaled his scent while listening to his heart beat since he was like a foot taller than me. "Look Destiny, it'll be okay we'll FaceTime and text whenever possible, I promise," he whispered in my hair. "I'll miss you so much Sam, please don't do anything stupid," I cried.

"I won't and I'll miss you so much more," he said giving me a quick kiss.

"Bye Sam, I love you, text me when you land," I whispered slowly pulling away.

"I love you too, you'll be the first person to know when I land," he said kissing my forehead. He gave me one last peck on the lips and then headed over to plane entrance.

"Come Des," Jack said pulling me into a hug.

I gave in and started crying into his chest, while he rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

"It'll be okay, you just have to survive two more days," he said once I was calm.

"Why am I being like this Jack, I have never cried like this."

"Come one Destiny you know the answer to that question," Gilinsky joined.

"Because I love him," I grumbled.

"That's right, now let's go freshen up for Magcon." He said slinging his arm over my shoulder while my brother did the same.

~~skip car ride back to hotel~~

I just got out of the shower and got dressed back into my pajamas and blow dried my hair, brushed my hair and put on my makeup. After I finished doing all that it was time for me to change. I put on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a maroon crop top with and my maroon vans. After feeling good about my outfit I walk outside and see the Jacks face look relived when I'm out.

"Finally your out! You took forever in there," they groaned.

"Again, it is very hard to this ass in these jeans," I laughed as I grabbed my phone and followed them out to meet everyone else down in the lobby.

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