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Destiny's POV:

After blow drying my hair since it was still wet from when I showered last night and did my usual morning routine, I went into my closet and got dressed. My outfit today was black leggings, a slightly oversized white T-shirt with a red plaid flannel with my black vans and I left my hair natural. Something simple since I was exhausted.

I then walked downstairs and was met by the Jacks,Mallory and Sam. "Morning guys," I smiled grabbing a granola bar and taking the empty seat next to Mallory and Sam.

"Hey," they replied in a monotone voice.

"Why does school even still exist," I sighed.

All I got was mumbles of agreement.

Then five minutes later we were in the car riding to school, well two cars. Sammy,Gilinsky and I were in one and Sammy was driving while I was in the passenger and Jack and Mallory in another. I was falling in and out of sleep the whole way there and I finally stopped when Sammy was shaking me to signal we were at school, I sighed then unbuckled and got out if the car.

Sammy was about to hold my hand, but I shot him a look," Baby steps, Sam."

He nodded and just walked along beside me through the hallways of hell. We went to the Cafeteria since we had a lot of time before we could actually go to class.

We sat down and I felt myself drifting to sleep again, then the bell made me snap out of it, I was about to walk away when Sam grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear," Hey after 3rd period we'll sneak out and you can go back to sleep." I nodded my head and ran up to Mallory.

As I had been this morning, I was struggling to stay awake then finally third period came well, Sammy and I were walking to third period.

"Sammy can we go back to your place or mine and cuddle?" I asked smiling at him sweetly.

"Sure thing Destiny, we can go to mine since I'm sure everyone will be at yours after school." He said looking down at me smiling.

I nodded my head in agreement as we took our seats just as the bell rang.

~~After third period~~

Sammy and I were currently trying to sneak out, it wasn't too hard since there was a while bunch of people going to lunch. When a teacher wasn't looking we quickly slipped out the back door and sprinted to the car as we heard a teacher yell after us.

We got into the car and Sammy does off towards his house.

A few seconds later I crashed out in Sammy's car.

~Sammy's POV:

I felt bad for Destiny she was so tired today. After we sprinted to my car, she knocked out in the passenger seat. A few minutes later we got to my house, I didn't want to wake her up so I got out of the car went over to her side and carefully took off her seatbelt and carried her bridal style. Luckily since Omaha is a pretty small town we didn't have our doors locked so I was able to open the door without hitting Destiny's head or waking her up.

We went upstairs and kicked open my bedroom door, I set her down on the bed which woke her up. Damn.

"Sorry I was trying not to wake up," I said scratching the back of my neck.

"It's okay just come lay down and cuddle with me please," she said yawning halfway through her sentence.

"I will but I can't sleep in jeans and shirt, and probably can't sleep in that," I said grabbing sweatpants, basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

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