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Yellow: Kids, time to come in!

It's been 10 years since Ash became champion. He's now 28. He has five kids, one for each girl. Two sons, three daughters. Each was five years old. All five had powers. Two psychics, two aura users, one had both.  

Riley was a psychic. He was a calm child, taking after his father. He had blue hair, brown eyes. He was the son of Dawn and Ash. He was protective over his siblings.

Ash's daughter was named Delia. She was an aura user. The daughter of Ash and May, she had brown hair. Just like her mother, very adventurous and headstrong. He had brown eyes.

Ash's other son was named Red. Son of Lillie, his hair was snow White, eyes bright green. A quiet child, keeps to himself but is obsessed with Pokemon. He was an aura user.

Ash's daughter with Leaf was just like her mother. Looks, personality, everything. Only one thing made her Ash's daughter. She had both his powers, but she had his eyes, filled with fire. Her name was Lasady. (Named after my best friend)

Ash's other daughter was with Yellow. She had blonde hair, blue eyes. She looked like her mother, but her personality was a carbon copy of Ash. As a psychic, her and aunt Sabrina were best friends.

Ash's pokemon had to defend their title each year, and each year destroyed the opposition. Sabrina and Brock had a baby named Liam, no powers.   During the time period, Ash gave back his elemental powers, stating he wanted nothing to do with them. 

Paul and Cynthia had got together, and the wedding was soon. Ash's Pokemon loved his kids, and the fives training had already started. Ash's status as the mute trainer inspired others of similar traits, like being deaf, to start up.

Dawn and May were top coordinators, and elite four members. Lillie was a professor in the field of gimmicks and pokemon adaptations. Leaf was still the Kalos champion, and no one had reached her yet. Yellow was a teacher at the aura school.

Ash and Sabrina ran the power school, along with a trainer school. Life was the best Ash had ever experienced.

After the five ate dinner Ash told them a story. A story about Grandad Riley. Filled with commitment, love, and pure joy. Because that's who Riley is.

Ash: Riley was my dad. He was the greatest man your dad ever met. Everyday I try to be like him. No get to bed before I get Godmother Gardevoir and Pikachu.

Ash tucked them all in and looked at the stars. Sabrina was next to him, both on the porch. Yellow gave them their moment. She may have been tortured, but they went through worse and needed one another as balance.

Ash: We got a life. Thanks to Riley.

Sabrina: You're such a downer. We won, and we got to live. That in itself is a miracle. Just watch the stars unfold Ash. Riley would love for us to do this. Knowing him he's pulling the strings.

Sabrina and Ash watched the stars. Ash still owned the Legendaries, including the ones that turned Shadow, as they wanted to stay with him. They were out in the world, keeping the balance, but were still family.

Ash: You know, maybe living isn't so bad. But we both know the peace isn't going to last.

Sabrina: So? We'll kick whoever's ass is trying something. We got the mute trainer on our side. What could go wrong?

Suddenly, a portal appeared. Stepping out of it was a man that looked exactly like Ash. Same face, same eyes, same body, but one difference. Ash could sense their powers were different, but similar.   He had a dagger on his belt, and the light from the area suddenly dimmed from his presence.  His eyes were pitch black. 

???:  Hello Mute Trainer.  My name is Ash Ketchum.  In my universe, you can call me The Dark Champion. 

The End of the Mute Trainer. 

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