Chapter 6

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The steady beeping of the heart monitor was telling me I was alive, I didn't want to be. I was sick of drama. life everyone wanted me everyone wanted to hurt me and somehow I know they are going to effect Chase and his pack "shut up Victoria this will pass over" Charlie growled lowly "I'm sick of pain" I whisper I open my eyes to be blinded by bright lights "turn the fucking lights off" I muttered the lights flicked off giving me time to open my eyes to see chase walking towards me, "hey how are you feeling" he whispered as he kissed my forehead "like shit" I whispered back "how did the operation go?" I still felt a bit groggy but i was awake enough to know that he was lightly kissing my neck I let a little giggle leave my mouth "I love you Chase" he seemed shocked but he kissed me passionately on my lips I lightly but his bottom lip to get a moan from him "god your driving me crazy Vic" he whispered as he kissed me but only a little one but I could taste his sweetness that he left behind, "I need to go" I whispered trying to sit up "no your not going anywhere Victoria your staying right here" I rolled my eyes and sat up more "I'm going I don't want to put your pack and you in danger" I said louder swinging my legs over the edge "that's not going to happen they want you dead and they aren't going to touch you when your the alphas mate we made a truce unless they want a war to break loose" I took in what he said maybe he was right "but I don't want you to be pulled into my mess" I whispered he chuckled lightly "babe weather you like it or not I'm already in this mess because of the hunter" I tensed at his words "I kno-"
"No you don't he was going to kill you when I showed up he wasn't going near you" he whispered calmly but I could feel the edge to it "I'm afraid that I will lose you" I whispered letting a silent tear fall down my face "we will protect you the whole pack will a pack without a Luna is a classroom with out a teacher" I rolled my eyes at his bad way of comparing "every thing bad needs its good and your the good in my life" I nodded the doctor walked in and turn the light on, making me grow the blanket over my head and quickly wiping the tears away, "oh sorry" the lights dimmed but we're still on I pulled the blanket down and let my sore eyes adjust "well everything is well surprisingly she came out of the coma sooner then a normal werewolf would" I have chase a questioned looked "what do you mean coma?" I said with confusion mixed with anger, mostly anger "you were in a coma for a month the Angels came and saw what condition you were in and left you because they thought that you will die" I felt chases pain when he said die "well you did but I revived you with the most common thing on earth" I looked at him confused "food" wow really "it seems that you were malnourished almost on the verge of death I gave you blood and you were fine" I sat still in shock "blood?" He nodded unsure of what to say "why?" The doctor nodded to chase and left "your vampire side came out when you were shot I was afraid to tell you but it turned out it was best to tell you" chase walked up to me leaning his forehead against mine he held my hands in his warm safe hands and looked me straight in the eye "ginger ale" I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname but I couldn't stop thinking about me as a vampire drinking blo-
"Vic I know your afraid of what you are but I know someone who can help you with or vampire side" I couldn't move, breath my life has disappeared because of me, the mistake "your beautiful ginger" I cut him of with a growl a low threatening one "don't call me ginger" I looked down at my hands "I'm sorry" I whispered "no it's okay I thought you wouldn't mind" I closed my eyes and listen to his steady heart beat when I looked for mine it was slow and dull "if I turn into a vampire would that mean I can't shift" I whispered I could hear Charlie whimper but she was still there thats all that mattered, "I'm not sure, you might be able to you still have wings when you shifted" he was right "I don't know what if it makes me a murderer" I felt sick when I thought of eating blood but it somehow made me hungry, god I'm about to puke "I'll be back in a sec" I ran to the bathroom and started emptying the contents of my stomach but when I opened my eyes I saw blood which made my hungry "no it's blood your not a murderer" I kept repeating to myself which made me more sick I flushed the toilet and looked in the mirror my eyes were lifeless and I was pail I listen to my heart beat just to hear it stop "hey Vic are you okay?" Chase said frantically banging on the door "yeah I'm fine" my voice sounded restless and strained even though I have been asleep "I'll be out in a second" I said as I washed my face "hey Charlie you there?" I thought I could feel her but she didn't answer "Charlie" I whispered out loud "yeah I'm here it just doesn't feel right" she whispered I know it doesn't feel right. I opened the door and walked out "I'm fine just hungry" I placed my hand on my mouth "I don't think I can do this" I whispered as chase pulled clothes for me out of the bag "here put these on I'll get real food for you and see if you can eat that" I nodded and walked back into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked dead, lifeless I was so skinny you could see my and my hair was at my hips now and when I looked at myself they weren't a bright green no they were red scaring myself I looked away from the mirror and got dressed "hey Vic I got food" I wasn't ready to eat but I have to I opened the door and grabbed the sandwich from his and and opened it I started at it "its okay" is it okay? I bring the food to my mouth and take a bite of it instantly I ran to the bathroom and started vomiting, I groan in frustration "fuck this" I muttered as I flush the toilet again "are you okay" the doctors voice filled my ears "does it look like it" I growled "sorry anyway I got some blood" it smelt so good I grab the bag out of his hand and slammed the door shut I started at the bag in my hands.
Eat it Victoria it keeps you alive.
The voice in my head chanted, I slowly brought the bag up to my mouth and bit into it the cold liquid hit my taste buds it's wasn't great but it was better then nothing i sucked until the bag was drip dry. I stood up and wiped my mouth I walked out and threw the bag in the bin to be comforted by silence i sniffed the air to smell another vampire, "show yourself you fucking basted" I shouted to be greeted by a laugh "why that isn't how you speak to someone who is going to help you no is it?" I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed "go on explain how to control it" he chuckled "poor girl doesn't understand anything I can't just explain it we have to do it for real" I growled feeling my wolf just blow the surface "Zachary what are you doing here your supposed to be here tomorrow" I look over to see chase and I immediately calmed down.

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