Chapter 17

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"Here is your new time table and here is your new room and timetable" I nodded as he kept explaining something but I zoned out thinking about Sam "got that?" I nodded and realized that the hand cuffs were off "no one will know about you being a hybrid" I nodded and walked into my room throwing my leather jacket onto the plain blue bed sheets that suited this boring blue room "fun" I muttered walking towards the chested drawers were full of clothes "okay clothes cool so school for vamps start at sun down and finishes at sun rise" I muttered looking at my timetable but all I had tomorrow was battle group? That can't be right I was with werewolves for that thing" I frowned and laid on my bed.
I sighed loudly staring at the roof when a knock corrupted my thoughts "what?" I shouted throwing a pillow on my face but the knocking continued "it's fucking open God dam it!" I shouted I heard the door click open "I would come in if I could but a vampire must be let in I guess" I glanced from under the pillow and instantly wanted to disappear "hello Zachary" I muttered sitting up "well hello to you to see you" I rubbed my face tired "why are you here?" I asked looking at him "I'm a teacher, your teacher. Battle group trainer you've been accepted into the level ten vampire battle group"I groaned laying back down "I'll see you at sundown" I muttered laying down "go away" I growled pulling the pillow back on my face "we seriously have half an hour" I groaned and got up about to walk out but he stopped me "I still see your ears and tail" I sighed and shifted into my vampire "wow" he said breathless "what?" I walked into the small bathroom and saw myself in the mirror and Zac walked behind me but I couldn't see him in the reflection "why don't you have a reflection?" He smiled "vamps don't have reflections which is going to be a problem with you" he frowned but shrugged it off "anyway I'll see you in the café" he walked out as I stared at my pail, dead like face and beaming red eyes and fangs sticking out I groaned loudly but I noticed my hair at the ends were red and slowly went into my ginger color "huh" I shook my head and grabbed my jacket walking out the door towards the café.
"Look at the freak"
"Ew dumb hybrids"
"She's so stupid"
I walked through the café listening to all them hurtful thoughts but I kept my head high walking over to the booth where I saw Zac "I can tell by the look on your face you can read everyone's thoughts" I nodded sitting down where he pushed a coffee towards me "thanks" I muttered holding it close breathing in the aroma "haven't fed a while have you?" I too a sip of the coffee enjoying the taste "I have been eating just-" I sighed deeply "it's not enjoyable" I took a sip "well with every coffee you order during vamp hours get a shot of blood" he raised his glass and drank the rest of his coffee "see you in battle training" he got up and left me throwing his coffee in the bin on the way out "ass hole" I muttered taking a drink of my coffee "Vic" I looked up tiredly at josh and looked back at my coffee "hey" I sighed "why are you hear?" I took a huge gulp of my coffee "they found out I was a vamp" he opened his mouth like a fish "but" I took a sip of my drink "they think I'm a hybrid of a vamp and wolf thanks to sir"
"Did you hear that? She's probably sleeping with Sir Davis!" This voice shouted in their mind, giving a massive head ache "people in this café please, please think quietly because I can hear everything your thinking about and when you scream it in you mind I feel it like shone one just screamed into my ear so I kindly ask you shut your thoughts up!" I shouted slouching over my coffee when everyone fell quiet even their thoughts did "since when have you been able to hear thoughts?" I shut my eyes tightly "since this morning apparently I haven't really notice cause I've been with-" I sighed combing my hair with my fingers "I know just relax about that okay? You'll be able to see him tomorrow" I frowned "how?" He smiled lightly "three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the whole battle teams that this school has" I smiled "Sam's a back up player" I smiled "I'll be seeing him today but when?" He smiled "soon your going to be late" I glanced at my phone and saw I was going to be late "oh shit I need to go by Josh" I hugged him and started running out the door thoughts flooding my mind but I swept them aside and ran to the battle field.

"Your la-"
"If you say late I've been standing here for five minutes trying to get through because I didn't know how so I hiss and swore in French and that seemed to work" I snapped "I'll get dressed" I appeared in my room and quickly got dressed into the same battle field but it wasn't the color of my fur, it was just plain black now "hurry up the meeting is about to start" I nodded, quickly putting my aviators on and ran beside him to the massive hall but it was full of tables obviously for each group "follow me to your seat" I sat at a table full of male vampires all of them pure blood "filthy half breed" all of them were thinking that I shrugged and started swinging on my chair chewing on gum "acts like it too" one of them whispered "just think it I can at least ignore them instead of hearing them out loud" I looked at the high roof "shut up you half breed" I looked at dick looking kid "oh you hit a nerve then" I said sarcastically "I seriously hurt" I started laughing "you're a cheater! Your part wolf so you ah e more instinct then us!" I snorted "yea sure 100% more instinct that's been passed through hundreds of generations when I was a science project" I snapped realizing what I said I shut my mouth and frowned.
where did that come from?
But it wasn't a lie, deep down something told me I had no parents to raise me "hello student today we are saying the leaders for the battle groups starting with the vampires" sirs voice boomed through the speakers the was next to him "Victoria Libreté, vampire cross werewolf is leader to vampire battle group" the whole table glared at me.
I shrugged wand got up walking to the front "why are you doing this?" I whispered as he shook my hand giving me a bracelet "with this you hold your team and responsibility" I looked at the bracelet and saw it was a plain rubber bracelet "do you accept" sir said staring into my eyes "I accept" he handed the bracelet and it turned into a sleeve that archers put on so the bow doesn't hurt your arm, it was a beautiful red mixing with black and white  "Victoria Libreté, leader to the vampires in battle team, a true strong and free willed leader, she is now known as combattant de la liberté"
"Freedom fighter" I repeated quietly I looked at the crowd "raise your weapon for whom you fight for" my bow appeared in my hand and I raised it getting cheers from all the groups of people which I now realize is around a hundred people "please be seated combattant de la liberté" I nodded and walked off stage to sit back with the group "freedom fighter eh? A half breed is usually traitors" the dick guy butted in "oh I'm so rude I forgot your names team" they all clenched their teeth "mine is Luke" dick looking guy said "this is Jeremy" he pointed to a scrawny dark hair dude with grey eyes "this is Steve" he pointed to a kind who kinda reminded me of the dude who played Captin America except for the red eyes "this is Loki" a 16 year old kid with long black hair glares at Luke but went back to looking at the ceremony "and lucky last is Dexter" a 20 year old looking guy with white hair and bright blue eyes looked at me and smiled lightly then I realized he was nicely dressed "it's a pleasure to meet you but I'm wondering why your last name is freedom" I rubbed the back of my neck "ran away when I was ten because of an armed attack and my memory was swiped so I didn't know my name and thought people where helping me but they were upswing me as an experiment" I mumbled swinging  on my chair glade that you couldn't see my eyes.
"Fucking half breeds and their lies"
I stopped swinging on my chair and glared at Luke I knew I had scares from when the Angels 'played' with me when they found me so I shot up from my chair and lifted up my shirt and exposed my scarred body "am I still a liar Luke? Did I rip my organs out one by one seeing if they will grow back when I was just a kid!?" Everyone was silence and in the corner of my eye I saw that look on Sir Davis' face.
It was a look that you tried to stop something bad from happening but it still happen.

I let my shirt fall down "well am I? I'm supposed to be a traitor cause I'm a half breed doesn't mean I lie! I hate lies! That's how this happened!" I slammed my fist onto the table tears welling in my eyes but were hidden by the glasses "I was ten, I didn't have parents all I had was this pathetic person who would check on me while when you were ten getting fed daily because your a pure blood!" Dexter's face was still with emotion but the sympathy on Luke's face made me angry "don't give me sympathy! Just respect every single person! Because you don't know what they've been through" I clenched my teeth "excuse me" I stormed out of the hall with eyes burning into the back of my head.

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